libname example sasiola host="" port=10010 tag='hps'; data example.prdsale(partition=(country region)); set sashelp.prdsale; run; proc imstat data=example.prdsale immediate noprint; 1 percentile actual / partition="U.S.A.", "EAST" save=tab1; 2 run; percentile actual / partition="CANADA", "EAST" save=tab2; run; store tab1(3,5) = us_SeventyFivePct; 3 run; store tab2(3,5) = ca_SeventyFivePct; run; %put %sysevalf(&us_SeventyFivePct - &ca_SeventyFivePct); replay tab2; 4 run; free tab1 tab2; 5 free macro=us_SeventyFivePct; free macro=ca_SeventyFivePct; quit;
store tab1(3,5) = us_SeventyFivePct; NOTE: The numeric value 746.5 from row 3, column 5 of table tab1 has been stored in the macro variable us_SeventyFivePct. run; store tab2(3,5) = ca_SeventyFivePct; NOTE: The numeric value 759.5 from row 3, column 5 of table tab2 has been stored in the macro variable ca_SeventyFivePct.