If you are using SAS Data Loader for Hadoop, you should
remove the Quality Knowledge Base (QKB) and the SAS Data Management
Accelerator for Spark from the Hadoop nodes before removing the SAS
Embedded Process.
Removing the SAS Embedded
Process removes the scripts that are used to remove these products.
For more information, see “Removing the QKB” and “Removing
the SAS Data Management Accelerator for Spark” in the SAS
Data Loader for Hadoop: Installation and Configuration Guide.
Note: You need root or passwordless
sudo access to remove the stack.
To remove the SAS Embedded
Process stack using Ambari, follow these steps:
Navigate to the
on the client where the SAS software is downloaded and installed.
cd SASHOME/SASHadoopConfigurationLibraries/2.4/Config/Deployment/stacks/sasep
file should be in this directory.
Copy the
file to a temporary directory where the cluster manager server is
located. Here is an example using secure copy.
scp user@cluster-manager-host:/mydir
Use this command to
run the delete script.
./ <Ambari-Admin-User-Name>
Enter the Ambari administrator
password at the prompt.
A message appears that
offers options for removal. Enter one of the options as appropriate:
Enter 1 to remove only the ep-config.xml
Enter 2 to remove a specific version
of the SAS Embedded Process. If you enter 2, a list of all the versions
that are available for removal appears. You can then enter any of
the versions to be deleted.
Enter 3 to remove all versions
of the SAS Embedded Process.
You are prompted to
restart the Ambari server in order to complete the removal of the SASEP service.
To remove the SAS Embedded Process, you must restart the Ambari server.
Enter y to
restart the Ambari server. The SASEP service
is no longer listed on the Ambari dashboard user interface.
Continue the installation