SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for Teradata


SAS Foundation and the SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata must be installed before you install and configure the SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for Teradata.

Overview of the SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for Teradata

The information in this section describes how to install and configure the SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for Teradata. The SAS 9.2 Formats Library for Teradata is included with SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for Teradata. This section also describes how to publish the SAS 9.2 Formats Library.
The SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent and the SAS 9.2 Formats Library are used by both the SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata and by the SAS Scoring Accelerator for Teradata.
  • In SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata, a format publishing macro,%INDTD_PUBLISH_FORMATS, creates or publishes the SAS_PUT() function and formats inside the database.
  • In the SAS Scoring Accelerator for Teradata, a scoring publishing macro,%INDTD_PUBLISH_MODEL, creates or publishes scoring model functions.
The SAS 9.2 Formats Library for Teradata is a run-time library that is installed on your Teradata system. This allows the SAS scoring model functions or the SAS_PUT() function created in Teradata to have access to routines within its run-time library.
Note: If you are performing a system expansion where additional nodes are being added, the version of the SAS 9.2 Formats Library on the new database nodes must be the same as the version that is being used on already existing nodes.

Teradata Installation and Configuration Steps

  1. If you are installing SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent for Teradata during a maintenance update, be sure to run the SAS Deployment Wizard twice as you upgrade to this latest version.
    The first time you run the SAS Deployment Wizard, you apply any maintenance for your software. You must run it a second time to install the update to SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent.
  2. Apply Hot Fix B85002 for SAS Table Server Base Components 9.2_M2. This hot fix can be found at
  3. If your scoring model functions are very large and you are running Teradata V2R6 or 12 on the Linux operating system, install a Teradata patch.
  4. Install the SAS 9.2 Formats Library for Teradata.

Increasing the Size of the Scoring Model Functions for Teradata on Linux

You can increase the maximum size of the scoring model functions for Teradata on the Linux operating system by installing a Teradata DBMS patch that adds the No Save (NS) source option to the CREATE/REPLACE FUNCTION statement. This task should be performed before loading the SAS 9.2 Formats Library for Teradata.
The patch is included in the following Teradata DBMS versions:
  • Teradata V2R6 version and later
  • Teradata 12 version and later
Note: This option is used automatically by the scoring model publishing macro if the Teradata system is running Linux and the patch has been applied; no user intervention is required.
For more information about this option, ask your Teradata support representative and reference Teradata DR 120829.

Installing the SAS 9.2 Formats Library for Teradata

Moving the SAS 9.2 Formats Library Package to the Server Machine

  1. Locate the SAS 9.2 Formats Library package file, jazxfbrs-9.2-1.9.x86_64.rpm.
    The location of the rpm file, the README file, and possibly other files, is contained in the ordersummary.html file that accompanies the software. Your order e-mail contains the path to the ordersummary.html file.
  2. Put the package file on your Teradata database server in a location where it is both read and write accessible.
    The package must be readable by the Teradata Parallel Upgrade Tool. You need to move this package file to the server machine in accordance with procedures used at your site.

Installing the SAS 9.2 Formats Library with the Teradata Parallel Upgrade Tool

Before you install the SAS 9.2 Formats Library package, it must be moved to your server machine. For more information, see Moving the SAS 9.2 Formats Library Package to the Server Machine.
This installation should be performed by a Teradata systems administrator. The steps assume some knowledge of the Teradata Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) and your environment. For more information about using the Teradata Parallel Upgrade Tool, see the Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) for UNIX MPRAS and Linux User Guide, located at Search on this page for “Parallel Upgrade Tool” and download the appropriate document for your system.
The following steps explain how to install the SAS 9.2 Formats Library package by using the Teradata Parallel Upgrade Tool.
Note: TDPut prompts are subject to change as Teradata enhances its software.
  1. At the Teradata system, start the Teradata Parallel Upgrade Tool and log in to PUT as "root" (super-user).
    The Welcome to the Parallel Upgrade Tool dialog box appears.
  2. Select Install/Upgrade Software from the task list and click Next.
    The Configuration Mode dialog box appears.
  3. Select Typical Configuration and click Next.
    The Network Subnet Selection dialog box appears.
  4. Select the correct address for the system to which you are applying from the Subnet Addresses list–typically the BYNET network. Click Next.
    The Select Nodes dialog box appears.
  5. Highlight the node or nodes where the SAS 9.2 Formats Library are to be installed in the Available Nodenames list on the left.
    You should select all database (TPA) nodes, including any Hot-Stand By (HSN) nodes and any PE-only nodes.
  6. Click the right-hand arrow to move your selection to the Selected Nodename window. When you have moved all appropriate nodes to the right, click Next.
    The Select Spool Area dialog box appears.
  7. Read the description on the dialog box and take any steps that it describes to choose a location to spool the package on the Teradata nodes. Click Next.
    The Enter Source for New Packages dialog box appears.
  8. Enter the path to the jazxfbrs-9.2-1.9.x86_64.rpm file in the text box. Click Next.
    The Media Source Confirmation dialog box appears.
  9. Select the No radio button and the Keep it radio button. Click Next.
    The Media Source(s) to be Scanned dialog box appears. This dialog box is a confirmation of the choices that you made in step 8.
  10. Verify that the information is correct and click Next.
    A warning dialog box might appear. If it does, click OK to continue. The Group Nodes dialog box appears. You do not need to make any decisions for this dialog box. Note the groups that include all of the Teradata database (TPA) nodes in the Teradata system.
  11. Click Next.
    The Select Packages dialog box appears. Only one package should be listed: jazxfbrs. The Install on column is empty.
  12. Click the package. A window opens with the header Modify package (jazxfbrs) version (9.2-1.9) OS type (Linux).
    1. Highlight all groups in the left-hand window that include TPA nodes, and then click the right arrow to move those groups to the right-hand window. Click Next.
      The Select Packages dialog box returns, but the Install on column has information in it.
    2. Click Next.
      The Confirm Package Selections dialog box appears.
  13. Verify the information listed in the dialog box and click Next.
    Several dialog boxes that do not require input go by fairly quickly, depending on your processor speed. The Teradata Parallel Upgrade Tool is preparing to install. Eventually, the Begin Installing Packages Now? dialog box opens.
  14. Click Next to begin the installation.
    After the package is installed, the Overall Package Install Results dialog box appears.
  15. Click on the package to view the install status.
    Click Back to return to the overall package installation results. Several more dialog boxes that do not require input go by before the Select Teradata Startup Option dialog box appears.
  16. Select the option that is most appropriate and click Next.
    The Finished! dialog box opens.
  17. Click Finish and close the Teradata Parallel Upgrade Tool.
  18. If you are performing an update install, reset the database so that all database processes have an opportunity to load the new version of the library.

Installing the SAS 9.2 Formats Library Manually

If you use the manual process to install the library on your TPA nodes, you must repeat the process for every TPA node in your deployment. This includes repeating the process for any Hot-Stand By (HSN) nodes and any PE-only nodes.
Manual Install Process for Teradata V2R6, Teradata 12, or Teradata 13 on Linux
In some cases such as a single-node system installed in a test environment, you might choose to not use the Teradata Parallel Upgrade Tool to install the SAS 9.2 Formats Library (.rpm file). In those cases, you can manually load the .rpm file to your Teradata system. The manual install should be performed by a Teradata systems administrator.
The following steps explain how to install the SAS 9.2 Formats Library.
  1. Log in to the Teradata system as "root" (super-user).
  2. Make jazxfbrs-9.2-1.9.x86_64.rpm available to the Teradata system by using network share, CD-ROM, or copy to the file system.
  3. [Optional] Copy the file jazxfbrs-9.2-1.9.x86_64.rpm to a package spool directory of your choice in order to make a permanent copy on the Teradata system.
  4. Change the directory to the package location.
  5. From the shell command prompt, enter the following command.
    rpm -U jazxfbrs-9.2-1.9.x86_64.rpm
    No output is displayed.
    If you want to remove the existing package, enter the following command.
    rpm -e jazxfbrs
  6. To verify a successful installation, run the following command from the shell command prompt:
    rpm –q jazxfbrs
    The following line is displayed if the installation is successful:
    If you want more information, you can use the following command, but the result provides more information than you need to verify your installation.
    rpm –qi jazxfbrs
  7. If you are performing an update install, reset the database so that all database processes can load the new version of the library.

Teradata Permissions for the SAS Accelerator Publishing Agent

Because functions are associated with a database, the functions inherit the access rights of that database. It might be useful to create a separate shared database for the SAS scoring functions or the SAS_PUT() function so that access rights can be customized as needed.
In addition, you must grant the following permissions to any user who runs the scoring or format publishing macros:

Documentation for Publishing SAS Scoring Models and Formats in Teradata

For information about how to publish SAS scoring models, see the SAS Scoring Accelerator for Teradata: User's Guide located at
For information about how to publish the SAS_PUT() function and formats, see “Deploying and Using SAS Formats in Teradata” in SAS/ACCESS 9.2 for Relational Databases Reference located at