Example 12.6 Hawkins-Bradu-Kass Data

The first 14 observations of the following data set (see Hawkins, Bradu, and Kass (1984)) are leverage points; however, only observations 12, 13, and 14 have large $h_{ii}$, and only observations 12 and 14 have large $MD_ i$ values.

title "Hawkins, Bradu, Kass (1984) Data";
aa = { 1  10.1  19.6  28.3   9.7,
       2   9.5  20.5  28.9  10.1,
       3  10.7  20.2  31.0  10.3,
       4   9.9  21.5  31.7   9.5,
       5  10.3  21.1  31.1  10.0,
       6  10.8  20.4  29.2  10.0,
       7  10.5  20.9  29.1  10.8,
       8   9.9  19.6  28.8  10.3,
       9   9.7  20.7  31.0   9.6,
      10   9.3  19.7  30.3   9.9,
      11  11.0  24.0  35.0  -0.2,
      12  12.0  23.0  37.0  -0.4,
      13  12.0  26.0  34.0   0.7,
      14  11.0  34.0  34.0   0.1,
      15   3.4   2.9   2.1  -0.4,
      16   3.1   2.2   0.3   0.6,
      17   0.0   1.6   0.2  -0.2,
      18   2.3   1.6   2.0   0.0,
      19   0.8   2.9   1.6   0.1,
      20   3.1   3.4   2.2   0.4,
      21   2.6   2.2   1.9   0.9,
      22   0.4   3.2   1.9   0.3,
      23   2.0   2.3   0.8  -0.8,
      24   1.3   2.3   0.5   0.7,
      25   1.0   0.0   0.4  -0.3,
      26   0.9   3.3   2.5  -0.8,
      27   3.3   2.5   2.9  -0.7,
      28   1.8   0.8   2.0   0.3,
      29   1.2   0.9   0.8   0.3,
      30   1.2   0.7   3.4  -0.3,
      31   3.1   1.4   1.0   0.0,
      32   0.5   2.4   0.3  -0.4,
      33   1.5   3.1   1.5  -0.6,
      34   0.4   0.0   0.7  -0.7,
      35   3.1   2.4   3.0   0.3,
      36   1.1   2.2   2.7  -1.0,
      37   0.1   3.0   2.6  -0.6,
      38   1.5   1.2   0.2   0.9,
      39   2.1   0.0   1.2  -0.7,
      40   0.5   2.0   1.2  -0.5,
      41   3.4   1.6   2.9  -0.1,
      42   0.3   1.0   2.7  -0.7,
      43   0.1   3.3   0.9   0.6,
      44   1.8   0.5   3.2  -0.7,
      45   1.9   0.1   0.6  -0.5,
      46   1.8   0.5   3.0  -0.4,
      47   3.0   0.1   0.8  -0.9,
      48   3.1   1.6   3.0   0.1,
      49   3.1   2.5   1.9   0.9,
      50   2.1   2.8   2.9  -0.4,
      51   2.3   1.5   0.4   0.7,
      52   3.3   0.6   1.2  -0.5,
      53   0.3   0.4   3.3   0.7,
      54   1.1   3.0   0.3   0.7,
      55   0.5   2.4   0.9   0.0,
      56   1.8   3.2   0.9   0.1,
      57   1.8   0.7   0.7   0.7,
      58   2.4   3.4   1.5  -0.1,
      59   1.6   2.1   3.0  -0.3,
      60   0.3   1.5   3.3  -0.9,
      61   0.4   3.4   3.0  -0.3,
      62   0.9   0.1   0.3   0.6,
      63   1.1   2.7   0.2  -0.3,
      64   2.8   3.0   2.9  -0.5,
      65   2.0   0.7   2.7   0.6,
      66   0.2   1.8   0.8  -0.9,
      67   1.6   2.0   1.2  -0.7,
      68   0.1   0.0   1.1   0.6,
      69   2.0   0.6   0.3   0.2,
      70   1.0   2.2   2.9   0.7,
      71   2.2   2.5   2.3   0.2,
      72   0.6   2.0   1.5  -0.2,
      73   0.3   1.7   2.2   0.4,
      74   0.0   2.2   1.6  -0.9,
      75   0.3   0.4   2.6   0.2 };

a = aa[,2:4]; b = aa[,5];

The data are also listed in Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987).

The complete enumeration must inspect 1,215,450 subsets.

Output 12.6.1 displays the iteration history for MVE.

optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[1]= 3;              /* ipri */
optn[2]= 1;              /* pcov: print COV */
optn[3]= 1;              /* pcor: print CORR */
optn[5]= -1;             /* nrep: all subsets */
call mve(sc,xmve,dist,optn,a);

Output 12.6.1: Iteration History for MVE

Hawkins, Bradu, Kass (1984) Data

Subset Singular Best
121545 0 51.104276 10
243090 1 51.104276 20
364635 1 51.104276 30
486180 2 51.104276 40
607725 3 51.104276 50
729270 9 6.271725 60
850815 35 6.271725 70
972360 55 5.912308 80
1093905 76 5.912308 90
1215450 114 5.912308 100

Output 12.6.2 reports the robust parameter estimates for MVE.

Output 12.6.2: Robust Location Estimates

Robust MVE Location Estimates
VAR1 1.5133333333
VAR2 1.8083333333
VAR3 1.7016666667

Robust MVE Scatter Matrix
VAR1 1.1143954802 0.0939548023 0.1416723164
VAR2 0.0939548023 1.1231497175 0.1174435028
VAR3 0.1416723164 0.1174435028 1.0747429379

Output 12.6.3 reports the eigenvalues of the robust scatter matrix and the robust correlation matrix.

Output 12.6.3: MVE Scatter Matrix

Eigenvalues of Robust
Scatter Matrix
VAR1 1.3396371545
VAR2 1.0281247572
VAR3 0.9445262239

Robust Correlation Matrix
VAR1 1 0.0839808925 0.1294532696
VAR2 0.0839808925 1 0.1068951177
VAR3 0.1294532696 0.1068951177 1

Output 12.6.4 shows a portion of the classical Mahalanobis and robust distances obtained by complete enumeration. The first 14 observations are recognized as outliers (leverage points).

Output 12.6.4: Mahalanobis and Robust Distances

Classical Distances and Robust (Rousseeuw) Distances
Unsquared Mahalanobis Distance and
Unsquared Rousseeuw Distance of Each Observation
N Mahalanobis Distances Robust Distances Weight
1 1.916821 29.541649 0
2 1.855757 30.344481 0
3 2.313658 31.985694 0
4 2.229655 33.011768 0
5 2.100114 32.404938 0
6 2.146169 30.683153 0
7 2.010511 30.794838 0
8 1.919277 29.905756 0
9 2.221249 32.092048 0
10 2.333543 31.072200 0
11 2.446542 36.808021 0
12 3.108335 38.071382 0
13 2.662380 37.094539 0
14 6.381624 41.472255 0
15 1.815487 1.994672 1.000000
16 2.151357 2.202278 1.000000
17 1.384915 1.918208 1.000000
18 0.848155 0.819163 1.000000
19 1.148941 1.288387 1.000000
20 1.591431 2.046703 1.000000
21 1.089981 1.068327 1.000000
22 1.548776 1.768905 1.000000
23 1.085421 1.166951 1.000000
24 0.971195 1.304648 1.000000
25 0.799268 2.030417 1.000000
26 1.168373 1.727131 1.000000
27 1.449625 1.983831 1.000000
28 0.867789 1.073856 1.000000
29 0.576399 1.168060 1.000000
30 1.568868 2.091386 1.000000
... ... ... ...
75 1.899178 2.042560 1.000000

The graphs in Output 12.6.5 and Output 12.6.6 show the following:

  • the plot of standardized LMS residuals vs. robust distances $RD_ i$

  • the plot of standardized LS residuals vs. Mahalanobis distances $MD_ i$

The graph identifies the four good leverage points 11, 12, 13, and 14, which have small standardized LMS residuals but large robust distances, and the 10 bad leverage points $1,\ldots ,10$, which have large standardized LMS residuals and large robust distances.

Output 12.6.5: Hawkins-Bradu-Kass Data: LMS Residuals vs. Robust Distances

Hawkins-Bradu-Kass Data: LMS Residuals vs. Robust Distances

Output 12.6.6: Hawkins-Bradu-Kass Data: LS Residuals vs. Mahalanobis Distances

Hawkins-Bradu-Kass Data: LS Residuals vs. Mahalanobis Distances