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What’s New in SAS/IML 9.22

New Features

SAS/IML 9.22 supports the SUBMIT and ENDSUBMIT statements. These statements delimit a block of statements that are sent to another language for processing.

The SUBMIT and ENDSUBMIT statements enable you to call SAS procedures and DATA steps without leaving the IML procedure. This feature has been very popular in SAS/IML® Studio since it was introduced in 2002, and it is now available in PROC IML.

You can use SAS data sets to transfer data between SAS/IML matrices and SAS procedures. SAS procedures require that data be in a SAS data set.

The SUBMIT and ENDSUBMIT statements also provide an interface to the R statistical programming language, so that you can to submit R statements from within your SAS/IML program. To submit statements to R, specify the R option in the SUBMIT statement.

You can transfer data from SAS/IML matrices and SAS data sets into R matrices and R data frames, and vice versa. Specifically, the subroutines shown in Table 1.1 are available to transfer data from a SAS format into an R format.

The interface to R is supported only on computers that run the Windows or Linux operating systems.

Table 1.1 Transferring from a SAS Source to an R Destination


SAS Source

R Destination


SAS data set

R data frame


SAS/IML matrix

R matrix

In addition, the subroutines shown in Table 1.2 are available to transfer data from an R format into a SAS format.

Table 1.2 Transferring from an R Source to a SAS Destination


R Source

SAS Destination


R expression

SAS data set


R expression

SAS/IML matrix

In Table 1.2, an "R expression" can be the name of a data frame, the name of a matrix, or an expression that results in either of these data structures.

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