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Language Reference

BTRAN Function

BTRAN( x, n, m ) ;

The BTRAN function computes the block transpose of a partitioned matrix. The arguments to the BTRAN function are as follows:


is an numeric matrix.


is a scalar with a value that specifies the row dimension of the submatrix blocks.


is a scalar with a value that specifies the column dimension of the submatrix blocks.

The argument x is a partitioned matrix formed from submatrices of dimension . If the th, th submatrix of the argument x is denoted , then the th, th submatrix of the result is .

The value returned by the BTRAN function is a matrix, the block transpose of x, where the blocks are .

For example, the following statements compute the block transpose of a matrix:

a11 = {1 1,                   /* a 3 x 2 matrix */
       1 1,
       1 1};
a12 = 1 + a11;
a13 = 2 + a11;
a21 = 3 + a11;
a22 = 4 + a11;
a23 = 5 + a11;
x = (a11 || a12 || a13) //    /* a partitioned matrix  */
    (a21 || a22 || a23);      /* each submatrix is a 3 x 2 block */

z = btran(x, 3, 2);           /* transpose the blocks */
print z;

Figure 23.48 Block Transpose of a Partitioned Matrix
1 1 4 4
1 1 4 4
1 1 4 4
2 2 5 5
2 2 5 5
2 2 5 5
3 3 6 6
3 3 6 6
3 3 6 6

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