You can store the following ALPHA subroutine in an IML catalog and load it when needed.
/* Alpha Factor Analysis */
/* Ref: Kaiser et al., 1965 Psychometrika, pp. 12-13 */
/* r correlation matrix (n.s.) already set up */
/* p number of variables */
/* q number of factors */
/* h communalities */
/* m eigenvalues */
/* e eigenvectors */
/* f factor pattern */
/* (IQ,H2,HI,G,MM) temporary use. freed up */
/* */
*ods trace output;
proc iml;
start alpha;
p = ncol(r);
q = 0;
h = 0; /* initialize */
h2 = i(p)-diag(1/vecdiag(inv(r))); /* smcs */
do while(max(abs(h-h2))>.001); /* iterate until converges */
h = h2;
hi = diag(sqrt(1/vecdiag(h)));
g = hi*(r-i(p))*hi+i(p);
call eigen(m,e,g); /* get eigenvalues and vecs */
if q=0 then do;
q = sum(m>1); /* number of factors */
iq = 1:q;
end; /* index vector */
mm = diag(sqrt(m[iq,])); /* collapse eigvals */
e = e[,iq] ; /* collapse eigvecs */
h2 = h*diag((e*mm) [,##]); /* new communalities */
hi = sqrt(h);
h = vecdiag(h2);
f = hi*e*mm; /* resulting pattern */
free iq h2 hi g mm; /* free temporaries */
/* Correlation Matrix from Harmon, Modern Factor Analysis, */
/* Second edition, page 124, "Eight Physical Variables" */
r={1.000 .846 .805 .859 .473 .398 .301 .382 ,
.846 1.000 .881 .826 .376 .326 .277 .415 ,
.805 .881 1.000 .801 .380 .319 .237 .345 ,
.859 .826 .801 1.000 .436 .329 .327 .365 ,
.473 .376 .380 .436 1.000 .762 .730 .629 ,
.398 .326 .319 .329 .762 1.000 .583 .577 ,
.301 .277 .237 .327 .730 .583 1.000 .539 ,
.382 .415 .345 .365 .629 .577 .539 1.000};
nm = {Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6 Var7 Var8};
run alpha;
print ,"EIGENVALUES" , m;
print ,"COMMUNALITIES" , h[rowname=nm];
print ,"FACTOR PATTERN", f[rowname=nm];