Working with Matrices

Index Vectors

You can create a vector by using the index operator (:). Three examples of statements involving index vectors follow:

    >  r=1:5; 
                 R             1 row       5 cols    (numeric) 
                         1         2         3         4         5 
    >  s=10:6; 
                 S             1 row       5 cols    (numeric) 
                        10         9         8         7         6 
    >  t='abc1':'abc5'; 
                 T             1 row       5 cols    (character, size 4) 
                                abc1 abc2 abc3 abc4 abc5

If you want an increment other than 1, use the DO function. For example, if you want a vector ranging from -1 to 1 by 0.5, use the following statement:

    >  r=do(-1,1,.5); 
                 R             1 row       5 cols    (numeric) 
                        -1      -0.5         0       0.5         1

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