Wavelet Analysis

Obtaining Help for the Wavelet Macros and Modules

The WAVINIT macro that you call to define symbolic macro variables and wavelet plot modules also defines a macro WAVHELP that you can call to obtain help for the wavelet macros and plot modules. The syntax for calling the WAVHELP macro is as follows:

%WAVHELP < ( name )>;;

In the macro call, name is either wavginit, wavinit, coefficientPlot, mraApprox, mraDecomp, or scalogram. This macro displays usage and argument information for the specified macro or module. If you call the WAVHELP macro with no arguments, it lists the names of the macros and modules for which help is available. Note that you can obtain help for the built-in IML wavelet subroutines by using the SAS Online Help.

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