Understanding the Interactive Matrix Language

Control Statements

SAS/IML software has a set of statements for controlling program execution. Control statements direct the flow of execution of statements in IML. With them, you can define DO groups and modules (also known as subroutines) and route execution of your program. Some control statements are described as follows.

Statements   Action
DO, END group statements
iterative DO, END define an iteration loop
GOTO, LINK transfer control
IF-THEN/ELSE routes execution conditionally
PAUSE instructs a module to pause during execution
QUIT ends a SAS/IML session
RESUME instructs a module to resume execution
RETURN returns from a LINK statement or a CALL module
RUN executes a module
START, FINISH define a module
STOP, ABORT stop execution of an IML program
See Chapter 5 for more information about control statements.

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