Language Reference


calculates and returns a scalar containing the modified duration of a noncontingent cash flow.

DURATION( times,flows,ytm)

The DURATION function returns the modified duration of a noncontingent cash flow as a scalar.

is an n-dimensional column vector of times. Elements should be nonnegative.
is an n-dimensional column vector of cash flows.
is the per-period yield-to-maturity of the cash-flow stream. This is a scalar and should be positive.

Duration of a security is generally defined as
   d = -\frac{ \frac{dp}p }{ dy }
In other words, it is the relative change in price for a unit change in yield. Since prices move in the opposite direction to yields, the sign change preserves positivity for convenience. With cash flows that are not yield-sensitive and the assumption of parallel shifts to a flat term structure, duration is given by
d_{\rm mod}=   \frac{ \sum_{k=1}^k t_k   \frac{ c(k) } { (1+y)^{t_k} }}   { p (1+y) }
where p is the present value, y is the per-period effective yield-to-maturity, k is the number of cash flows, and the kth cash flow is c(k), t_k periods from the present. This measure is referred to as modified duration to differentiate it from the first duration measure ever proposed, Macaulay duration:
d_{\rm mac}=   \frac{ \sum_{k=1}^k t_k   \frac{ c(k) } { (1+y)^{t_k} }}   { p }
This expression also reveals the reason for the name duration, since it is a present-value-weighted average of the duration (that is, timing) of all the cash flows and is hence an ``average time-to-maturity'' of the bond.

For example, consider the following statements:

    print duration;

These statements produce the following output:


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