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provide cubic spline fits
Refer to Stoer and Bulirsch (1980), Reinsch (1967), and Pizer (1975) for descriptions of the methods used to fit the spline. For simplicity, the following explanation assumes that the data matrix does not contain a weighting column.
Nonparametric splines can be used to fit data for which you believe
there is a functional relationship between the X and Y variables.
The unique values of X (stored in the first column of data)
form a partition
of the interval
You can use a spline to interpolate the data (produce a curve that passes through
each data point) provided that there is a single Y value for each X
value. The spline is created by constructing cubic polynomials on each subinterval
so that the value of the cubic polynomials and their first
two derivatives coincide at each
An interpolating spline is not uniquely determined by the set of Y
values. To achieve a unique interpolant, , you must specify two
constraints on the endpoints of the interval
. You can
achieve uniqueness by specifying one of the following conditions:
The following code gives three examples of computing an interpolating spline for data. Note that the first and last Y values are the same, so you can ask for a periodic spline.
data = { 0 5, 1 3, 2 5, 3 4, 4 6, 5 7, 6 6, 7 5 }; /* Compute three spline interpolants of the data */ /* (1) a cubic spline with type=zero (the default) */ call spline(fitted,data); /* (2) A periodic spline */ call spline(periodicFitted,data) type='periodic'; /* (3) A spline with specific slopes at endpoints */ call spline(slopeFitted,data) slope={45 30};
You can also use a spline to smooth data. In general, a smoothing spline will not pass through any data pair exactly. A very small value of the smooth smoothing parameter will approximate an interpolating polynomial for data in which each unique X value is assigned the mean of the Y values corresponding to that X value. As the smooth parameter gets very large, the spline will approximate a linear regression.
The following code computes two smoothing splines for the same data as in the previous example. The spline coefficients are passed to the SPLINEV function which evaluates the smoothing spline at the original X values. Note that the smoothing spline does not pass through the original Y values. Note also that the smoothing parameter for the periodic spline is smaller, so the periodic spline has more "wiggles" than the corresponding spline with the larger smoothing parameter.
data = { 0 5, 1 3, 2 5, 3 4, 4 6, 5 7, 6 6, 7 5 }; /* Compute spline smoothers of the data. */ call splinec(fitted,coeff,endSlopes,data) smooth=1; /* Evaluate the smoother at the original X positions */ smoothFit = splinev(coeff, data[,1]); /* Compute periodic spline smoother of the data. */ call splinec(fitted,coeff,endSlopesP,data) smooth=0.1 type='periodic'; /* Evaluate the smoother at the original X positions */ smoothPeriodicFit = splinev(coeff, data[,1]); /* Compare the two fits. Verify that the periodic spline has identical slopes at the end points. */ print smoothFit smoothPeriodicFit, endSlopesP;
SMOOTHFIT SMOOTHPERIODICFIT 0 4.4761214 0 4.7536432 1 4.002489 1 3.5603915 2 4.2424509 2 4.3820561 3 4.8254655 3 4.47148 4 5.7817386 4 5.8811872 5 6.3661254 5 6.8331581 6 6.0606327 6 6.1180839 7 5.2449764 7 4.7536432 ENDSLOPESP -58.37255 -58.37255
A parametric spline can be used to interpolate or smooth data for
which there does not seem to be a functional relationship between the
X and Y variables. A partition is formed as explained in
the documentation for the type parameter. Splines are then
used to fit the X and Y values independently.
The following program fits a parametric curve to data that is shaped
like an "S." The variable fitted is returned as a
numParam matrix that contains the ordered pairs
corresponding to the parametric spline. These ordered pairs correspond
to numParam evenly spaced points in the domain of the
The purpose of the SPLINEV function is to evaluate (or score) an interpolating or smoothing spline at an arbitrary set of points. The following program shows how to construct the parameters corresponding to the original data by using the formula specified in the documentation for the type argument. These parameters are used to construct the evenly spaced parameters corresponding to the data in the fitted matrix.
data = {3 7, 2 7, 1 6, 1 5, 2 4, 3 3, 3 2, 2 1, 1 1}; /* Compute parametric spline interpolant */ numParam = 20; call splinec(fitted,coeff,endSlopes,data) nout=numParam type={'zero' 'parametric'}; /* Form the parameters mapped onto the data */ /* Evaluating the splines at t would return data */ t = j(nrow(data),1,0); /* first parameter is zero */ do i = 2 to nrow(t); t[i] = t[i-1] + sqrt( (data[i,1]-data[i-1,1])##2 + (data[i,2]-data[i-1,2])##2 ); end; /* construct numParam evenly-spaced parameters between 0 and t[nrow(t)] */ params = do(0, t[nrow(t)], t[nrow(t)]/(numParam-1))`; /* evaluate the parametric spline at these points */ xy = splinev(coeff, params); print params fitted xy;
The output from this program is as follows:
PARAMS FITTED XY 0 3 7 3 7 0.6897753 2.3002449 7.0492667 2.3002449 7.0492667 1.3795506 1.6566257 6.8416091 1.6566257 6.8416091 2.0693259 1.1581077 6.3289203 1.1581077 6.3289203 2.7591012 0.9203935 5.6475064 0.9203935 5.6475064 3.4488765 1.0128845 4.9690782 1.0128845 4.9690782 4.1386518 1.4207621 4.4372889 1.4207621 4.4372889 4.8284271 2 4 2 4 5.5182024 2.5792379 3.5627111 2.5792379 3.5627111 6.2079777 2.9871155 3.0309218 2.9871155 3.0309218 6.897753 3.0796065 2.3524936 3.0796065 2.3524936 7.5875283 2.8418923 1.6710797 2.8418923 1.6710797 8.2773036 2.3433743 1.1583909 2.3433743 1.1583909 8.9670789 1.6997551 0.9507333 1.6997551 0.9507333 9.6568542 1 1 1 1
Attempting to evaluate a spline outside of its domain of definition
will result in a missing value. For example, the following code
defines a spline on the interval . Attempting to evaluate the
spline at points outside of this interval (-1 or 20) results in
missing values.
data = { 0 5, 1 3, 2 5, 3 4, 4 6, 5 7, 6 6, 7 5 }; call splinec(fitted,coeff,endSlopes,data) slope={45 45}; v = splinev(coeff,{-1 1 2 3 3.5 4 20}); print v; V -1 . 1 3 2 5 3 4 3.5 4.7073171 4 6 20 .
One use of splines is to estimate the integral of a function that is known only by its value at a discrete set of points. Many people are familiar with elementary methods of numerical integration such as the Left-Hand Rule, the Trapezoid Rule, and Simpson's Rule. In the Left-Hand Rule, the integral of discrete data is estimated by the exact integral of a piecewise constant function between the data. In the Trapezoid Rule, the integral is estimated by the exact integral of a piecewise linear function connecting the data. In Simpson's Rule, the integral is estimated as the exact integral of a piecewise quadratic function between the data points.
Since a cubic spline is a sequence of cubic polynomials, it is possible to compute the exact integral of the cubic spline and use this as an estimate for the integral of the discrete data. The next example takes a function defined by discrete data and finds the integral and the first moment of the function.
The implementation of the integrand function (fcheck) uses a
useful trick to evaluate a spline at a single point. Note that if you
pass in a scalar argument to the SPLINEV function, you get back a
vector that represents the evaluation of the spline along evenly
spaced points. To get around this, the function evaluates the spline
at the vector x // x and then takes the entry in the first row,
second column. This number is the value of the spline evaluated at
. Here is the code:
x = { 0, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10 }; y = x + 0.1*sin(x); a = x || y; call splinec(fit,coeff,endSlopes,a); start fcheck(x) global(coeff,pow); /* The first column of v contains the points of evaluation while the second column contains the evaluation. */ v = x##pow # splinev(coeff,x //x)[1,2]; return(v); finish; /* use QUAD to integrate */ start moment(po) global(coeff,pow); pow = po; call quad(z,'fcheck',coeff[,1]) eps = 1.e-10; v1 = sum(z); return(v1); finish; mass = moment(0); /* to compute the mass */ mass = mass // (moment(1)/mass) // /* to compute the mean */ (moment(2)/mass) ; /* to compute the meansquare */ print mass; /* Check the computation by using Gauss-Legendre integration: this is good for moments up to maxng. */ gauss = { -9.3246951420315205e-01 -6.6120938646626448e-01 -2.3861918608319743e-01 2.3861918608319713e-01 6.6120938646626459e-01 9.3246951420315183e-01, 1.713244923791701e-01 3.607615730481388e-01 4.679139345726905e-01 4.679139345726904e-01 3.607615730481389e-01 1.713244923791707e-01 }; ngauss = ncol(gauss); maxng = 2*ngauss-4; start moment1(pow) global(coeff,gauss,ngauss,maxng); if pow < maxng then do; nrow = nrow(coeff); ncol = ncol(coeff); left = coeff[1:nrow-1,1]; right = coeff[2:nrow,1]; mid = 0.5*(left+right); interv = 0.5*(right - left); /* scale the weights on each interval */ wgts = shape(interv*gauss[2,],1); /* scale the points on each interval */ pts = shape(interv*gauss[1,] + mid * repeat(1,1,ngauss),1) ; /* evaluate the function */ eval = splinev(coeff,pts)[,2]`; mat = sum (wgts#pts##pow#eval); end; return(mat); finish; mass = moment1(0); /* to compute the mass */ mass = mass // (moment1(1)/mass) // (moment1(2)/mass) ; print mass; /* should agree with earlier result */
The program prints the following results:
MASS 50.204224 6.658133 49.953307 MASS 50.204224 6.658133 49.953307
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