Language Reference

MVE Call

finds the minimum volume ellipsoid estimator

CALL MVE( sc, coef, dist, opt, x\lt, s\gt);

The MVE call is the robust (resistant) estimation of multivariate location and scatter, defined by minimizing the volume of an ellipsoid containing h points.

The MVE subroutine computes the minimum volume ellipsoid estimator. These robust locations and covariance matrices can be used to detect multivariate outliers and leverage points. For this purpose, the MVE subroutine provides a table of robust distances.

In the following discussion, n is the number of observations and n is the number of regressors. The inputs to the MVE subroutine are as follows:

refers to an options vector with the following components (missing values are treated as default values):

specifies the amount of printed output. Higher option values request additional output and include the output of lower values.

prints no output except error messages.

prints most of the output.

additionally prints case numbers of the observations in the best subset and some basic history of the optimization process.

additionally prints how many subsets result in singular linear systems.

The default is opt[1]=0.

specifies whether the classical, initial, and final robust covariance matrices are printed. The default is opt[2]=0. Note that the final robust covariance matrix is always returned in coef.

specifies whether the classical, initial, and final robust correlation matrices are printed or returned:

does not return or print.

prints the robust correlation matrix.

returns the final robust correlation matrix in coef.

prints and returns the final robust correlation matrix.

specifies the quantile h used in the objective function. The default is opt[5]= h = [\frac{n+n+1}2]. If the value of h is specified outside the range \frac{n}2+1  \leq  h  \leq     \frac{3n}4 + \frac{n+1}4, it is reset to the closest boundary of this region.

specifies the number n_{\rm rep} of subset generations. This option is the same as described previously for the LMS and LTS subroutines. Due to computer time restrictions, not all subset combinations can be inspected for larger values of n and n. If opt[5] is zero or missing, the default number of subsets is taken from the following table.

n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
n_{\rm lower}50050221715140000
n_{\rm upper}10^6141418271433227242322
n_{\rm rep}500100015002000250030003000300030003000

n 11 12 13 14 15
n_{\rm lower}00000
n_{\rm upper}2222222323
n_{\rm rep}30003000300030003000

If the number of cases (observations) n is smaller than n_{\rm lower}, then all possible subsets are used; otherwise, n_{\rm rep} subsets are chosen randomly. This means that an exhaustive search is performed for opt[5]=-1. If n is larger than n_{\rm upper}, a note is printed in the log file indicating how many subsets exist.

refers to an n x n matrix x of regressors.

refers to an n+1 vector containing n+1 observation numbers of a subset for which the objective function should be evaluated, where n is the number of parameters. In other words, the MVE algorithm computes the minimum volume of the ellipsoid containing the observation numbers contained in s.

Missing values are not permitted in x. Missing values in opt cause the default value to be used.

The MVE subroutine returns the following values:

is a column vector containing the following scalar information:

the quantile h used in the objective function

number of subsets generated

number of subsets with singular linear systems

number of nonzero weights w_i

lowest value of the objective function f_{\rm mve} attained (volume of smallest ellipsoid found)

Mahalanobis-like distance used in the computation of the lowest value of the objective function f_{\rm mve}

the cutoff value used for the outlier decision

is a matrix with n columns containing the following results in its rows:

location of ellipsoid center

eigenvalues of final robust scatter matrix

the final robust scatter matrix for opt[2]=1 or opt[2]=3

the final robust correlation matrix for opt[3]=1 or opt[3]=3

is a matrix with n columns containing the following results in its rows:

Mahalanobis distances

robust distances based on the final estimates

weights (=1 for small, =0 for large robust distances)


Consider results for Brownlee's (1965) stackloss data. The three explanatory variables correspond to measurements for a plant oxidizing ammonia to nitric acid on 21 consecutive days: The response variable y_i gives the permillage of ammonia lost (stackloss). These data are also given by Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987, p. 76).

            /* X1  X2  X3   Y    Stackloss data */ 
     aa = { 1  80  27  89  42, 
            1  80  27  88  37, 
            1  75  25  90  37, 
            1  62  24  87  28, 
            1  62  22  87  18, 
            1  62  23  87  18, 
            1  62  24  93  19, 
            1  62  24  93  20, 
            1  58  23  87  15, 
            1  58  18  80  14, 
            1  58  18  89  14, 
            1  58  17  88  13, 
            1  58  18  82  11, 
            1  58  19  93  12, 
            1  50  18  89   8, 
            1  50  18  86   7, 
            1  50  19  72   8, 
            1  50  19  79   8, 
            1  50  20  80   9, 
            1  56  20  82  15, 
            1  70  20  91  15 };

Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987, p. 76) cite a large number of papers where this data set was analyzed and state that most researchers ``concluded that observations 1, 3, 4, and 21 were outliers''; some people also reported observation 2 as an outlier.

By default, subroutine MVE chooses only 2,000 randomly selected subsets in its search. There are in total 5,985 subsets of 4 cases out of 21 cases. Here is the code:

   a = aa[,2:4]; 
   optn = j(8,1,.); 
   optn[1]= 2;              /* ipri */ 
   optn[2]= 1;              /* pcov: print COV */ 
   optn[3]= 1;              /* pcor: print CORR */ 
   optn[5]= -1;             /* nrep: use all subsets */ 
   CALL MVE(sc,xmve,dist,optn,a);

The first part of the output shows the classical scatter and correlation matrix:

          Minimum Volume Ellipsoid (MVE) Estimation 
           Consider Ellipsoids Containing 12 Cases. 
            Classical Covariance Matrix 
                 VAR1             VAR2            VAR3 
 VAR1    84.057142857     22.657142857    24.571428571 
 VAR2    22.657142857     9.9904761905    6.6214285714 
 VAR3    24.571428571     6.6214285714    28.714285714 
                 Classical Correlation Matrix 
                    VAR1            VAR2            VAR3 
    VAR1               1     0.781852333    0.5001428749 
    VAR2     0.781852333               1    0.3909395378 
    VAR3    0.5001428749    0.3909395378               1 
                        Classical Mean 
                      VAR1    60.428571429 
                      VAR2    21.095238095 
                      VAR3    86.285714286 
        There are 5985 subsets of 4 cases out of 21 cases. 
            All 5985 subsets will be considered.

The second part of the output shows the results of the optimization (complete subset sampling):

                 Complete Enumeration for MVE 
           Subset    Singular       Criterion     Percent 
             1497          22      253.312431          25 
             2993          46      224.084073          50 
             4489          77      165.830053          75 
             5985         156      165.634363         100 
                 Minimum Criterion= 165.63436284 
               Among 5985 subsets 156 are singular. 
                    Observations of Best Subset 
             7           10           14           20 
                      Initial MVE Location 
                      VAR1              58.5 
                      VAR2             20.25 
                      VAR3                87 
                    Initial MVE Scatter Matrix 
                    VAR1            VAR2            VAR3 
    VAR1    34.829014749    28.413143611     62.32560534 
    VAR2    28.413143611    38.036950318    58.659393261 
    VAR3     62.32560534    58.659393261    267.63348175

The third part of the output shows the optimization results after local improvement:

          Final MVE Estimates (Using Local Improvement) 
             Number of Points with Nonzero Weight=17 
                       Robust MVE Location 
                     VAR1      56.705882353 
                     VAR2      20.235294118 
                     VAR3      85.529411765 
                    Robust MVE Scatter Matrix 
                      VAR1              VAR2              VAR3 
    VAR1      23.470588235      7.5735294118      16.102941176 
    VAR2      7.5735294118      6.3161764706      5.3676470588 
    VAR3      16.102941176      5.3676470588      32.389705882 
                      Eigenvalues of Robust 
                          Scatter Matrix 
                      VAR1      46.597431018 
                      VAR2      12.155938483 
                      VAR3       3.423101087 
                    Robust Correlation Matrix 
                      VAR1              VAR2              VAR3 
    VAR1                 1      0.6220269501      0.5840361335 
    VAR2      0.6220269501                 1       0.375278187 
    VAR3      0.5840361335       0.375278187                 1

The final output presents a table containing the classical Mahalanobis distances, the robust distances, and the weights identifying the outlying observations (that is leverage points when explaining y with these three regressor variables):

          Classical Distances and Robust (Rousseeuw) Distances 
                   Unsquared Mahalanobis Distance and 
            Unsquared Rousseeuw Distance of Each Observation 
                  Mahalanobis          Robust 
            N       Distances       Distances          Weight 
            1        2.253603        5.528395               0 
            2        2.324745        5.637357               0 
            3        1.593712        4.197235               0 
            4        1.271898        1.588734        1.000000 
            5        0.303357        1.189335        1.000000 
            6        0.772895        1.308038        1.000000 
            7        1.852661        1.715924        1.000000 
            8        1.852661        1.715924        1.000000 
            9        1.360622        1.226680        1.000000 
           10        1.745997        1.936256        1.000000 
           11        1.465702        1.493509        1.000000 
           12        1.841504        1.913079        1.000000 
           13        1.482649        1.659943        1.000000 
           14        1.778785        1.689210        1.000000 
           15        1.690241        2.230109        1.000000 
           16        1.291934        1.767582        1.000000 
           17        2.700016        2.431021        1.000000 
           18        1.503155        1.523316        1.000000 
           19        1.593221        1.710165        1.000000 
           20        0.807054        0.675124        1.000000 
           21        2.176761        3.657281               0 
                    Distribution of Robust Distances 
                  MinRes           1st Qu.            Median 
            0.6751244996      1.5084120761      1.7159242054 
                    Mean           3rd Qu.            MaxRes 
            2.2282960174      2.0831826658      5.6373573538 
                      Cutoff Value = 3.0575159206 
        The cutoff value is the square root of 
          the 0.975 quantile of the chi square 
         distribution with 3 degrees of freedom. 
    There are 4 points with large robust distances receiving 
    zero weights. These may include boundary cases. 
    Only points whose robust distances are substantially larger 
    than the cutoff value should be considered outliers.

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