Language Reference


finds the string length

CALL GSTRLEN( length, text<, height<, font<, window>);

The inputs to the GSTRLEN subroutine are as follows:
is a matrix of lengths specified in world coordinates.

is a matrix of text strings.

is a numeric matrix or literal specifying the character height.

is a character matrix or quoted literal that specifies a valid font name.

is a numeric matrix or literal specifying a window. This is given in world coordinates and has the form

 {minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
The GSTRLEN subroutine returns in world coordinates the graphics text lengths in a given font and for a given character height. The length argument is the returned matrix. It has the same shape as the matrix text. Thus, if text is an n x m matrix of text strings, then length is an n x m matrix of lengths in world coordinates. If you do not specify font, the default font is assumed. If you do not specify height, the default height is assumed. An example that uses the GSTRLEN subroutine follows:
        /* centers text strings about coordinate      */ 
        /* points (50, 90) assume font=simplex        */ 
     str='Nonparametric Cluster Analysis'; 
     call gstrlen(len, str, ht, 'simplex'); 
     call gscript(x-(len/2), y, str, ,,ht,'simplex');

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