Genetic Algorithms

Setting Up the IML Program

After you formulate the GA optimization problem as described in the previous section, executing the genetic algorithm in IML is simple and straightforward. Remember that the current GA implementation in IML is experimental, and will be furthur developed and tested in later SAS releases. The following table summarizes the IML GA modules used to set each of the optimization parameters. IML will use reasonable default values for some of the parameters if they are not specified by the GA calls, and these default values are also listed. Parameters shown in italics are not required in all cases.

Table 17.2: Establishing Optimization Parameters
Type Set By Parameter Value
encodingGASETUPencoding0arrow general
   1arrow fixed-length real
   2arrow fixed-length integer
   3arrow fixed-length sequence
  sizefixed-length size
  seedinitial random seed
objectiveGASETOBJidreturned from GASETUP
  objtype0arrow minimize user module
   1arrow maximize user module
   2arrow traveling salesman problem
  parmif objtype=0 or 1, user module
   if objtype=2, cost coefficients
selectionGASETSELidreturned from GASETUP
  eliteinteger in [0, population size]
  type0arrow conventional tournament
   1arrow dual tournament with BPW prob
  parmif type = 0, tournament size
   if type = 1, real number in [0.5,1]
 default ifelite1
 not settypeconventional tournament
crossoverGASETCROidreturned from GASETUP
  crossprobcrossover probability
  type0arrow user module
   1arrow simple
   2arrow two-point
   3arrow arithmetic
   4arrow heuristic
   5arrow pmatch
   6arrow cycle
   7arrow order
  parmmodule name for type = 0
   0\ltval\leq 1 if encoding=1, 0<type<3
 default ifcrossprob1.0
 not settypeheuristic if encoding=1
   simple if encoding=2
   pmatch if encoding=3, objtype 0
   order if objtype=2 (TSP)
mutationGASETMUTidreturned from GASETUP
  mutprobmutation probability
  type0arrow user module
   1arrow uniform
   2arrow delta
   3arrow swap
   4arrow invert
  parmdelta value if type=2
   number of swaps if type=3
 default ifmutprob0.05
 not settypeuniform if encoding=1 or 2, bounded
   delta if encoding=1 or 2, no bounds
   swap if encoding=3, not TSP
   invert if objtype=1 (TSP)

After setting the optimization parameters, you are ready to execute the GA. First, an initial solution population must be generated with a GAINIT call. GAINIT implements the initialization phase of the GA, generating an initial population of solutions and evaluating the objective value of each member solution. In the GAINIT call you specify the population size and any constant bounds on the solution domain. Next comes an IML loop containing a GAREGEN call. GAREGEN implements the regeneration phase of the GA, which generates a new solution population based on selection, crossover, and mutation of the current solution population, then replaces the current population with the new population and computes the new objective function values.

After the GAREGEN call, you can monitor the convergence of the GA by retrieving the objective function values for the current population with the GAGETVAL call. You might check the average value of the objective population, or check only the best value. If the elite parameter is 1 or more, then it is easy to check the best member of the population, since it will always be the first member retrieved.

After your stopping criteria have been reached, you can retrieve the members of the solution population with the GAGETMEM call. To end the optimization, you should always use the GAEND call to free up memory resources allocated to the GA.

Below are some example programs to illustrate setting up and executing a genetic algorithm. The first example illustrates a simple program, a 10-city TSP using all IML defaults. The cost coefficients correspond to the cities being laid out on a two-by-five grid. The optimal route has a total distance of 10.

 proc iml; 
 /* cost coefficients for TSP problem */ 
 coeffs = { 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1, 
            1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2, 
            2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3, 
            3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4, 
            4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5, 
            5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4, 
            4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3, 
            3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2, 
            2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1, 
            1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 }; 
 /* problem setup */ 
   id = gasetup(3,   /* 3 -> integer sequence encoding */ 
                10,  /* number of locations */ 
                1234 /* initial seed */ 
   /* set objective function */ 
   call gasetobj(id, 
                 2, /* 2 -> Traveling Salesman Problem */ 
                 coeffs /* cost coefficient matrix */ 
 /* initialization phase */ 
   call gainit(id, 
               100  /* initial population size */ 
 /* execute regeneration loop */ 
   niter = 20;          /* number of iterations */ 
   bestValue = j(niter,1); /* to store results */ 
   call gagetval(value, id, 1); /* gets first value */ 
   bestValue[1] = value; 
   do i = 2 to niter; 
     call garegen(id); 
     call gagetval(value, id, 1); 
     bestValue[i] = value; 
   /* print solution history */ 
   print (t(1:niter))[l = "iteration"] bestValue; 
   /* print final solution */ 
   call gagetmem(bestMember, value, id, 1); 
   print  "best member " bestMember [f = 3.0 l = ""],, 
        "final best value " value [l = ""]; 
   call gaend(id);
For this test case, there is no call to GASETSEL. Therefore IML will use default selection parameters: an elite value of 1 and a conventional tournament of size 2. Also, since there is no GASETCRO or GASETMUT call, IML will use default genetic operators: the order operator for crossover and the invert operator for mutation, and a default mutation probability of 0.05. The output results are

                        iteration BESTVALUE 
                                1        18 
                                2        18 
                                3        16 
                                4        14 
                                5        14 
                                6        14 
                                7        12 
                                8        12 
                                9        12 
                               10        12 
                               11        12 
                               12        12 
                               13        12 
                               14        12 
                               15        12 
                               16        12 
                               17        12 
                               18        12 
                               19        10 
                               20        10 
     best member   10   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
                  final best value         10
The optimal value was reached after 19 iterations. Because the elite value was 1, the best solution was retained and passed on to each successive generation, and therefore never lost. Note that out of 3,628,800 possible solutions (representing 362,800 unique paths), the GA found the optimum after only 1,900 function evaluations, without using any problem-specific information to assist the optimization. You could also do some experimentation, and specify different genetic operators with a GASETCRO and GASETMUT call, and different selection parameters with a GASETSEL call:

 /* alternate problem setup */ 
   id = gasetup(3,  /* 3 -> integer sequence encoding */ 
                10,  /* number of locations */ 
                1234 /* initial seed */ 
   /* set objective function */ 
   call gasetobj(id, 
                 2, /* 2 -> Traveling Salesman Problem */ 
                 coeffs /* cost coefficient matrix */ 
   call gasetcro(id, 
                 1.0, /* crossover probabilty 1 */ 
                 5  /* 5 -> pmatch operator */ 
   call gasetmut(id, 
                 0.05, /* mutation probability */ 
                 3     /* 3 -> swap operator */ 
   call gasetsel(id, 
                 3,  /* set elite to 3 */ 
                 1,  /* dual tournament */ 
                 0.95 /* best-player-wins probability 0.95 */ 
 /* initialization phase */ 
   call gainit(id, 
               100  /* initial population size */ 
 /* execute regeneration loop */ 
   niter = 15;          /* number of iterations */ 
   bestValue = j(niter,1); /* to store results */ 
   call gagetval(value, id, 1); /* gets first value */ 
   bestValue[1] = value; 
   do i = 2 to niter; 
     call garegen(id); 
     call gagetval(value, id, 1); 
     bestValue[i] = value; 
   /* print solution history */ 
   print (t(1:niter))[l = "iteration"] bestValue; 
   /* print final solution */ 
   call gagetmem(bestMember, value, id, 1); 
   print  "best member " bestMember [f = 3.0 l = ""],, 
        "final best value " value [l = ""]; 
   call gaend(id);
The output of this test case is
                    iteration BESTVALUE 
                            1        24 
                            2        18 
                            3        18 
                            4        16 
                            5        16 
                            6        14 
                            7        14 
                            8        14 
                            9        14 
                           10        12 
                           11        12 
                           12        12 
                           13        10 
                           14        10 
                           15        10 
      best member    3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   1   2 
                    final best value         10
Note that convergence was faster than for the previous case, reaching an optimum after 13 iterations. This illustrates that the convergence of a GA may be very sensitive to the choice of genetic operators and selection parameters, and for practical problems some experimental fine-tuning of optimization parameters may be required to obtain acceptable convergence.

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