Further Notes

Error Diagnostics

When an error occurs, several lines of messages are printed. The error description, the operation being performed, and the line and column of the source for that operation are printed. The names of the operation's arguments are also printed. Matrix names beginning with a pound sign (#) or an asterisk (*) can appear; these are temporary names assigned by the IML procedure.

If an error occurs while you are in immediate mode, the operation is not completed and nothing is assigned to the result. If an error occurs while executing statements inside a module, a PAUSE command is automatically issued. You can correct the error and resume execution of module statements with a RESUME statement.

The most common errors are described in the following list:

These errors result from the actual dimensions or values of matrices and are caught only after a statement has begun to execute. Other errors, such as incorrect number of arguments or unbalanced parentheses, are syntax errors and resolution errors and are detected before the statement is executed.

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