The Tables tab is shown in Figure 25.8. You can use the Tables tab to display the following tables that summarize the results of the analysis:
displays a table of Pearson correlation coefficients. Selecting this field corresponds to the PEARSON option in the PROC CORR statement. Clearing this field corresponds to the NOCORR option in the PROC CORR statement.
displays a table of Hoeffding’s statistic. This statistic is not available if you specify variables in the Variables tab. This corresponds to the HOEFFDING option in the PROC CORR statement.
list on thedisplays a table of Kendall’s tau-b statistic. This corresponds to the KENDALL option in the PROC CORR statement.
displays a table of Spearman’s rank-order correlation. This corresponds to the SPEARMAN option in the PROC CORR statement.
displays -values under the null hypothesis of zero correlation. Clearing this field corresponds to the NOPROB option in the PROC CORR statement.
displays descriptive statistics for the variables in the analysis. Clearing this field corresponds to the NOSIMPLE option in the PROC CORR statement.
displays the covariance matrix for the variables in the analysis. This corresponds to the COV option in the PROC CORR statement.
displays Cronbach’s coefficient alpha for the variables in the analysis. This corresponds to the ALPHA option in the PROC CORR statement. This statistic is not available if you specify variables in the Variables tab. This statistic is not available unless you select for .
list on thespecifies how to treat missing values in the analysis. If you select
, then observations with missing values are excluded from the analysis. This corresponds to the NOMISS option in the PROC CORR statement. Otherwise, statistics are computed using all of the nonmissing pairs of variables.
Figure 25.8: The Tables Tab