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Axis Properties

Example: Change Positions of Axis Tick Marks

To change the default tick marks for the axis of an interval variable:

Open the Hurricanes data set, and create a scatter plot of wind_kts versus latitude.

The scatter plot appears. (See Figure 10.1.) Note that the latitude axis has only a few tick marks. You might decide to add a few additional tick marks.

Figure 10.1 A Scatter Plot
A Scatter Plot

  • Right-click the horizontal axis of the plot, and select Axis Properties from the pop-up menu, as shown in Figure 10.2.

    Figure 10.2 The Axis Pop-up Menu
    The Axis Pop-up Menu

    The Axis Properties dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 10.3. This is a quick way to determine the anchor location, tick unit, and tick range for an axis.

    Figure 10.3 Axis Properties Dialog Box
    Axis Properties Dialog Box

  • Change the Major tick unit value to 10.

  • Change the Anchor tick value to 0.

  • Change the Number of minor ticks value to 1.

  • Click OK.

    The latitude axis updates, as shown in Figure 10.4.

  • Figure 10.4 A Scatter Plot with Custom Tick Marks
    A Scatter Plot with Custom Tick Marks

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