Variable Transformations

Normalizing Transformations

Figure 32.12 shows the transformations that are available when you select Normalizing from the Family list. These transformations are often used to improve the normality of a variable. Equations for these transformations are given in Table 32.2.

ugtransformnormal.png (9154 bytes)

Figure 32.12: Normalizing Transformations

Table 32.2: Description of Normalizing Transformations
  Default Name of  
Transformation Parameter New Variable Equation
log(Y+a) a=0 Log_Y \log(y+a), y+a\gt
log10(Y+a) a=0 Log10_Y \log_{10}(y+a), y+a\gt
sqrt(Y+a) a=0 Sqrt_Y \sqrt{y+a}, y+a\gt
exp(Y)   Exp_Y \exp(y)
power(Y;a) a=1 Pow_Y  y^a, y\gt if a is not integral
arcsinh(Y)   Arcsinh_Y \log(y+\sqrt{y^2+1})
Box-Cox(Y;a) MLE BC_Y See text.

The Box-Cox transformation (Box and Cox 1964) is a one-parameter family of power transformations that includes the logarithmic transformation as a limiting case. For y\gt,

{bc}(y;\lambda) = \{ \frac{y^\lambda - 1}{\lambda} & {if } \lambda \neq 0 \ \log y & {if } \lambda = 0 .

You can specify the parameter, \lambda, for the Box-Cox transformation, but typically you choose a value for \lambda that maximizes (or nearly maximizes) a log-likelihood function.

SAS/IML Studio plots the log-likelihood function versus the parameter, as shown in Figure 32.8. An inset gives the lower and upper 95% confidence limits for the maximum log-likelihood estimate, the MLE estimate, and a convenient estimate. A convenient estimate is a fraction with a small denominator (such as an integer, a half integer, or an integer multiple of 1/3 or 1/4) that is within the 95% confidence limits about the MLE. Although the value of the parameter is not bounded, SAS/IML Studio graphs the log-likelihood function restricted to the interval [-2,2].

A dialog box (Figure 32.9) also appears that prompts you to enter the parameter value to use for the Box-Cox transformation.

The log-likelihood function for the Box-Cox transformation is defined as follows. Write the normalized Box-Cox transformation, {z}, as

{z}(\lambda; y) = \{ \frac{y^\lambda - 1}{\lambda \dot{y}^{\lambda-1}} & {if } \lambda \neq 0 \ \dot{y} \log y & {if } \lambda = 0 .
where \dot{y} is the geometric mean of y. Let n be the number of nonmissing values, and define
r(\lambda;{z}) = {z}'{z}- (\sigma z_i )^2 / n
The log-likelihood function is (Atkinson 1985, p. 87)
l(\lambda;{z}) = -(n/2) \log(r(\lambda;{z})/(n-1))
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