Multivariate Analysis: Factor Analysis

The Rotation Tab

You can use the Rotation tab (Figure 27.5) to transform the factors by orthogonal or oblique rotations. Orthogonal rotations rigidly rotate the factors; oblique transformations introduce correlations between the factors. Transformed factors are often more interpretable in terms of the original variables.

Factor rotation
specifies the rotation method. You can select from a set of common orthogonal or oblique transformations. This corresponds to the ROTATE= option in the PROC FACTOR statement.
Harris-Kaiser power
specifies the power of the square roots of the eigenvalues used to rescale the eigenvectors for Harris-Kaiser orthoblique transformation. This corresponds to the HKPOWER= option in the PROC FACTOR statement.
Promax power
specifies the power for forming the target Procrustean matrix. This corresponds to the POWER= option in the PROC FACTOR statement.
Factor pattern normalization
specifies the method for normalizing the rows of the factor pattern for rotation. This corresponds to the NORM= option in the PROC FACTOR statement.
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