Distribution Analysis: Frequency Counts

The Tables Tab

You can use the Tables tab, shown in Figure 16.7, to specify the options used to produce the one-way frequency table. Each of these options corresponds to an option in the FREQ procedure, as indicated in the following list.

Include percents
specifies that a column of percents be included in the one-way frequency table.
Include cumulatives
specifies that a column of cumulative percents be included in the one-way frequency table.
Order by
specifies the order in which the values of the variable appear in the frequency table. This corresponds to the ORDER= option in the PROC FREQ statement.
Chi-square test for equal proportions
requests a chi-square goodness-of-fit test for equal proportions. This corresponds to the CHISQ option in the TABLES statement.
Missing values
specifies the treatment of missing values. The following options are supported:
Exclude from tables and statistics
specifies that missing values be excluded from the analysis.
Include in tables; Exclude from statistics
specifies that missing value frequencies be displayed, even though the frequencies are not used in the calculation of statistics. This corresponds to the MISSPRINT option in the TABLES statement.
Include in tables and statistics
specifies that missing values be treated the same as nonmissing values: they are included in calculations of percentages and other statistics. This corresponds to the MISSING option in the TABLES statement.
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