Model Fitting: Generalized Linear Models

The Tables Tab

The Tables tab is shown in Figure 24.9. You can use the Tables tab to display the following tables that summarize the results of the analysis:

Model fit statistics
displays a table of model fit statistics.
Parameter estimates
displays estimates for the model parameters and the scale parameter.
Wald confidence intervals
displays estimates of 95% Wald confidence intervals for the model, based on the asymptotic normality of the parameter estimators. This corresponds to the WALDCI option in the MODEL statement. Note: The GENMOD procedure displays the Wald confidence limits by default. Consequently, Wald confidence limits appear in the parameter estimates table even if you clear both of the check boxes for confidence limits in the dialog box.
Likelihood ratio confidence intervals
displays estimates of 95% confidence intervals for the model parameters, based on the profile likelihood function. This corresponds to the LRCI option in the MODEL statement.
Type 1 sequential analysis
specifies that a type 1 sequential analysis be displayed. This corresponds to the TYPE1 option in the MODEL statement.
Likelihood ratio
specifies that type 3 likelihood statistics be displayed. This corresponds to the TYPE3 option in the MODEL statement.
specifies that a type 3 Wald statistics be displayed. This corresponds to the TYPE3WALD option in the MODEL statement.
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