The Data Table

Keyboard Shortcuts in Data Tables

Some keys in a data table are associated with certain actions, as shown in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3: Keys and Actions in Data Tables
Key Action
ESC When editing data, abort the current edit and deselect cells.
ESC Deselect any selected observations and variables.
F1 Display the online Help system.
F3 Move the active cell to the row of the next selected observation.
SHIFT+F3 Move the active cell to the row of the previous selected observation.
F10 If observations are selected, display the Observations menu. If variables are selected, display the Variables menu. If observations and variables are selected, display the Observations menu followed by the Variables menu.
TAB Move the active cell to the right.
SHIFT+TAB Move the active cell to the left.
ENTER Move the active cell down one row.
ALT+RIGHT ARROW ALT+LEFT ARROW Toggle selection of a variable without changing the active cell.
ALT+DOWN ARROW ALT+UP ARROW Toggle selection of an observation without changing the active cell.
SHIFT+ALT+RIGHT ARROW SHIFT+ALT+LEFT ARROW Toggle selection of a variable and move the active cell to the next or previous variable.
SHIFT+ALT+DOWN ARROW SHIFT+ALT+UP ARROW Toggle selection of an observation and move the active cell to the next or previous observation.
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Extend the selection of a range of cell columns.
SHIFT+DOWN ARROW SHIFT+UP ARROW Extend the selection of a range of cell rows.
HOME Edit the active cell and place the cursor at the beginning of the cell.
END Edit the active cell and place the cursor at the end of the cell.
CTRL+SPACEBAR Clear selected observations and variables.
CTRL+HOME Set the active cell to the first row and first column.
CTRL+END Set the active cell to the last row and last column.
CTRL+INSERT Display the New Variable dialog box.
DELETE If observations or variables are selected, delete the selected variables or observations. If cells are selected, delete the contents of the selected cells.

In addition, the data table supports the arrow keys for navigating cells, and supports the standard Microsoft control sequences shown in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4: Standard Control Sequences in Data Tables
Key Action
CTRL+A Select all observations.
CTRL+C Copy contents of selected cells to Windows clipboard.
CTRL+F Display the Find dialog box.
CTRL+P Print the data table.
CTRL+V Paste contents of Windows clipboard to cells.
CTRL+X Cut contents of selected cells and paste to Windows clipboard.
CTRL+Y Redo last undo.
CTRL+Z Undo last operation.
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