Configuring the SAS/IML Studio Interface

Runtime Options

You can configure aspects of the SAS/IML Studio programming environment.

To configure default options for new program windows, select Tools \blacktriangleright\,Options from the main menu, and click the Runtime tab. This tab is shown in Figure 34.7.

ugconfigoptruntime.png (6214 bytes)

Figure 34.7: The Runtime Tab

The Runtime tab has the following fields:

Statement Mode
specifies that the program environment defaults to Statement Mode. For information about Statement Mode, see the SAS/IML Studio online Help. You can display the online Help by selecting Help \blacktriangleright\,Help Topics from the main menu. (Note: : You can also submit portions of a program by highlighting certain statements and clicking Program \blacktriangleright\,Run. Only the highlighted statements are run.)
Warn if running an out-of-date stored module
specifies that a warning message is printed to the error log when an IMLPlus program executes an out-of-date module. An out-of-date module is one whose source code has been changed since the module was last stored by using the SAS/IML STORE statement.

To change these options for a currently open workspace, select Program \blacktriangleright\,Configure from the main menu, and click the Runtime tab.

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