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System Options under OpenVMS

CONFIG= System Option: OpenVMS

Specifies the configuration file that is used when initializing or overriding the values of SAS system options.
Default: sasv9.cfg in SAS$ROOT:[000000]
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: Environment control: Files
OpenVMS specifics: all; valid values for file-specification; syntax

See Also


CONFIG=file-specification | NOCONFIG


specifies that the specified file is used as the configuration file, and SAS$CONFIG in your process-level logical name table is ignored. However, cluster-, system-, group-, and job-level configuration files are still processed if they exist.

The value for file-specification must be a valid OpenVMS pathname or logical name. If you do not supply a file type, the type CFG is assumed.


indicates that no process-level configuration file is processed, even if one exists. The cluster-, system-, group-, and job-level configuration files are still processed if they exist.


The CONFIG= system option specifies the complete filename of your configuration files. These files contain SAS options that are executed automatically whenever SAS is invoked. You can create your own configuration file and store it in a location you choose.

To see which configuration files were processed for your SAS session, submit the following code:

proc options option=config value; 

All of the configuration files that SAS processed are listed as the value of the CONFIG= system option.

Cluster-, system-, group-, and job-level SAS$CONFIG files are processed regardless of the value of the CONFIG= option and regardless of whether the process-level SAS$CONFIG logical name exists.

See Also

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