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Procedures under OpenVMS

PRINTTO Procedure: OpenVMS

Defines destinations for SAS procedure output and the SAS log.
OpenVMS specifics: valid values for file-specification; UNIT= option
See: PRINTTO Procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide

Example 1: Sending SAS Log Entries to an External File
Example 2: Sending Procedure Output to an External File
Example 3: Sending Procedure Output to a System Printer
Example 4: Redirecting SAS Log and Procedure Output to the Default
Example 5: Sending Procedure Output to a File
See Also


PROC PRINTTO <option(s)>

Note:   This is a simplified version of the PRINTTO procedure syntax. For the complete syntax and its explanation, see the PRINTTO procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide.  [cautionend]


specifies a fileref, a fully qualified OpenVMS pathname (in quotation marks), or an OpenVMS logical name as the destination for the log output.


specifies a fileref, a fully qualified OpenVMS pathname (in quotation marks), or an OpenVMS logical name as the destination for procedure output. FILE= and NAME= are valid aliases for this option.


sends output to the file FTnnF001.LIS, where nn represents the UNIT= value, which can range from 1 to 99.


The PRINTTO procedure defines destinations for SAS procedure output and for the SAS log.

To send output directly to a printer, use a FILENAME statement with the PRINTER device-type keyword. This sends the output to the default SYS$PRINT queue. If you want to override the default queue, use the QUEUE= option in the FILENAME statement to specify a different queue.

Note:   You cannot send the output directly to a member of a text library or to a remote node.  [cautionend]


Example 1: Sending SAS Log Entries to an External File

The following statements send any SAS log entries that are generated after the RUN statement to the external file that is associated with the fileref MYFILE:

filename myfile '[mydir]mylog.log';

proc printto log=myfile;

Example 2: Sending Procedure Output to an External File

The following statements send the procedure output from the CONTENTS procedure (and any other subsequent procedure output from the SAS session) to the external file that is associated with the OpenVMS logical name OUTPUT:

x 'define output [mydir]proc1.lis';
proc printto print=output;

proc contents data=oranges;

Example 3: Sending Procedure Output to a System Printer

The following statements send the procedure output from the CONTENTS procedure directly to the system printer:

filename myfile printer '[mydir]proc2.lis';

proc printto print=myfile;

proc contents data=oranges;

Example 4: Redirecting SAS Log and Procedure Output to the Default

The following statements (a PROC PRINTTO statement with no options) redirect the SAS log and procedure output to the original default destinations:

proc printto;

Example 5: Sending Procedure Output to a File

The following statements send any procedure output to a file named MYPRINT.DAT:

proc printto print=myprint;

See Also

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