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Data Set Options under OpenVMS

BKS= Data Set Option: OpenVMS

Specifies the bucket size for a new data set.
Default: 32
Valid in: DATA step and PROC steps
Category: Data Set Control
Engines: CONCUR
OpenVMS specifics: All aspects are host-specific

See Also




specifies a set number of block that are used for building and processing files of relative and indexed organization. If you specify a value of 0, SAS uses the minimum number of blocks that are needed to contain a single observation.

Range: 0 - 63


The BKS= data set option specifies the number of OpenVMS disk blocks in each bucket of a new data set. A disk block is 512 bytes. A bucket is a storage structure of a set number of blocks used for building and processing files of relative and indexed organization. A bucket contains one or more records or record cells. Buckets are the unit of contiguous transfer between RMS buffers and the disk.

The BKS= data set option is applied only when the data set is created. When deciding on the bucket size to use, consider whether the file will be accessed randomly (small bucket size), sequentially (large bucket size), or both ways (medium bucket size). For example, if you know that all the files in a SAS library will be accessed randomly, by using the FSEDIT procedure for example, then use a small bucket size at the creation of each file to optimize the access. The following example uses the BKS= option in the LIBNAME statement so that the bucket size applies to all CONCUR data sets in that library:

libname test concur '[randomdir]' bks=30;

The BKS= data set option corresponds to the FAB$B_BKS field in OpenVMS RMS or to the FILE BUCKET_SIZE attribute when you use File Definition Language (FDL). For additional details, see Guide to OpenVMS File Applications.

See Also

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