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Informats under UNIX

HEXw. Informat: UNIX

Converts hexadecimal positive binary values to either fixed-point or floating-point binary values.
Category: Numeric
Width range: 1 to 16
Default width: 8
UNIX specifics: floating-point representation
See: HEXw. informat in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary



The HEXw. informat converts the hexadecimal representation of positive binary numbers to real floating-point binary values. The width value of the HEXw. informat determines whether the input represents an integer (fixed-point) or real (floating-point) binary number. When you specify a width of 1 through 15, the informat interprets the input hexadecimal as an integer binary number. When your specify 16 for the width value, the informat interprets the input hexadecimal as a floating-point value.

For more information, see Reading and Writing Binary Data in UNIX Environments.

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