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Printing and Routing Output

Controlling the Content and Appearance of Output in UNIX Environments

Overview of Controlling the Content and Appearance of Output

Some of the attributes of the SAS log and procedure output depend on the destination to which they are being sent. For example, if the log and output are being sent to your display, the default line and page size are derived from your display. If one or both of these files are sent to the system printer or written to a file, the default line size and page size depend on your printer and page setup. The line size and page size for your current settings can be seen in the Print dialog box.

Some of the attributes of the SAS log and procedure output depend on the mode in which you are running. For example, if you are running in interactive line mode, SAS source statements are not echoed to the SAS log. If you are using the SAS windowing environment all source statements are written to the log as they are submitted. In batch mode, the log and procedure output are formatted for a standard system printer.

See Customizing Your SAS Session by Using System Options for information about specifying system options.

SAS Log Options

Use the following options to control the contents of the log. See System Options under UNIX for information about specifying options.


controls whether a list of resources (such as I/O performed, page faults, elapsed time, and CPU time) used for each PROC or DATA step is written to the log. NOFULLSTIMER is the default.


controls the line length used. Width can be any value from 64 to 256.


controls whether messages are written to the SAS log. NEWS is the default.


controls printing of NOTES on the log. NOTES is the default setting for all execution modes. Specify NOTES unless your SAS program is completely debugged.


controls the number of lines that are printed on each page. N can be any number from 15 to 32767.


controls whether SAS source statements are written to the log. NOSOURCE is the default setting in interactive line mode; otherwise, SOURCE is the default.


controls whether SAS statements that are included with %INCLUDE statements are written to the log. NOSOURCE2 is the default setting for all execution modes.


controls whether user CPU time and elapsed time are written to the log. STIMER is the default.

Procedure Output Options

Use these system options to control the contents of the procedure output:


controls whether the printed results are centered or left-aligned on the procedure output page. CENTER is the default.


controls whether the date is written at the top of each procedure output page. DATE is the default.


controls the line length used. Width can be any value from 64 to 256.


controls whether the output page number is written on each procedure output page. NUMBER is the default.


resets the current page number in the print file. The default page number at the beginning of the SAS session is 1. The pages are numbered sequentially throughout the SAS session unless the PAGENO option is specified in an OPTIONS statement during the session.


controls the number of lines that are printed on each page. N can be any number from 15 to 32,767.

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