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What's New

What's New in the SAS 9.2 Companion for z/OS


SAS for z/OS has the following new features and enhancements:

Installation Change

The default directory path where SAS is installed has changed to the following location:

SASROOT = /<customer specified UFS root>/<customer.mvs.prefix>/SASFoundation/9.2/
SASHOME = /<customer specified UFS root>/<customer.mvs.prefix>/
UFSROOT = /<customer specified UFS root>/

UFS refers to the UNIX file system.

SAS Software Enhancements

Support for z/OS Extended Addressability Volumes

The second maintenance release for SAS 9.2 provides support for z/OS Extended Addressability Volumes (EAV). This support is new in z/OS V1R10, and it is expanded in z/OS V1R11. The following list contains details about the support that SAS offers for EAV.

New cleanwork Utility

The cleanwork utility enables you to delete any leftover Work and Utility directories whose associated SAS process has ended.

New SAS Macro

The %ISHCONV macro enables you to convert item store help to HTML files that can be read by the Remote Browsing System.

New SAS Logging Facility

The SAS logging facility is a flexible, configurable framework for collecting, categorizing, and filtering events that are generated by SAS processes and writing events to a variety of output devices.

New FTP Function

SAS supports Using FTP with Universal Printing for sending universal printing output to a printer or to a file that is on another server, another machine, or another operating system.


The third maintenance release for SAS 9.2 contains the new TKMVSENV option, TKOPT_ENV_UTILLOC. This option enables you to specify a UFS directory for temporary files.

Enhanced SAS Statements

The following SAS statements have been enhanced:

New SAS System Options

The following SAS system options are new:

Enhanced SAS System Options

The following SAS system options have been enhanced:

Deprecated SAS System Options

The following SAS system options have been deprecated:

Documentation Enhancements

The documentation for SAS on z/OS has traditionally used the terms UNIX System Services (USS) and hierarchical file system (HFS) to refer to the UNIX file system on z/OS. The SAS 9.2 documentation uses the terms UNIX file system and UFS to refer to this file system. The UNIX environment on z/OS and the UNIX file system are not the same thing. The documentation continues to use the terms UNIX System Services and USS to refer to the UNIX environment instead of the UNIX file system.

In addition to the original HFS implementation, the z/OS operating system also provides another UNIX file system known as the z/OS file system (zFS). zFS, which provides certain performance and manageability benefits, is functionally equivalent to HFS from the perspective of a SAS user.

Most occurrences of HFS, USS, and zFS have been changed to UFS. HFS is still used in feature names and in syntax statements and prefixes where it is the correct term. USS is still used where it refers to the UNIX environment on z/OS. The following list indicates the terminology changes:

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