General Legend Features

The following sections discuss several features that are common to both discrete legends and continuous legends.

Positioning Options


You can include a legend statement in most layout blocks. Most of the time you would simply like to ensure that the legend appears where you want in relation to the plot(s) of the graph. The issues differ, depending on whether you define a single-cell graph or a multi-cell graph. This section discusses single-cell graphs. The discussion of legend placement for multi-cell layouts such as GRIDDED, LATTICE, DATALATTICE, and DATAPANEL appears in the appropriate layout chapter:
The following positioning options control a legend's location within its parent layout. They are available only when the legend is nested within an overlay-type layout:
determines whether the legend is drawn inside the plot wall of the cell, or outside the plot wall (and outside the axes). The default is OUTSIDE.
determines horizontal alignment. The default is CENTER.
determines vertical alignment. The default is BOTTOM.

Displaying Legends Outside of the Plot Wall

When you place a legend statement in a single-cell layout such as OVERLAY, OVERLAYEQUATED, or OVERLAY3D, the default legend appears outside the plot wall but inside the layout border:
layout overlay;
  scatterplot X=Height Y=Weight /
    name="sp" group=sex;
  discretelegend "sp" /
    halign=center valign=bottom ;
Legend Position: Outside, Center, Bottom
Using the HALIGN= and VALIGN= options, you can place a legend in eight positions outside the plot wall. The only combination that is not supported is HALIGN=CENTER and VALIGN=CENTER. To accommodate the legend, the size of the plot wall is adjusted so that the legend(s) can be displayed.
Note: Sometimes with large legends, this size adjustment causes problems. Sizing issues are discussed in Arranging Legend Entries into Columns and Rows and When Discrete Legends Get Too Large.
The following example positions the legend in the outside center-right location.
layout overlay;
  scatterplot X=Height Y=Weight /
    name="sp" group=sex;
  discretelegend "sp" /
    halign=right valign=center ;
Legend in Outside Center-Right Location

Displaying Legends Inside the Plot Wall

A legend can be placed inside the plot wall (LOCATION=INSIDE) and positioned with the HALIGN= and VALIGN= options. Nine inside positions are possible. The defaults are HALIGN=CENTER and VALIGN=CENTER. The following example positions the legend in the inside bottom-right location.
layout overlay;
  scatterplot X=Height Y=Weight /
    name="sp" group=sex;
  discretelegend "sp" / location=inside
    halign=right valign=bottom ;
Legend in inside Bottom-Right Location
One of the advantages of inside legends is that the plot wall does not shrink.
One of the disadvantages of inside legends with HALIGN= and VALIGN= positions is that the legend might be placed on top of plot markers, lines, or filled areas (legends, entries, and nested layouts are always stacked on top of plots, regardless of the statement order in an overlay block).

Automatically Aligning an Inside Legend

When the plot statements are specified in a 2D overlay-type layout, the AUTOALIGN= option can be used to automatically position an inside legend. AUTOALIGN= selects a position that avoids or minimizes collision with plot components.
The AUTOALIGN= option enables you to specify an ordered list of potential positions for the legend. The list contains one or more of the following keywords: TOPLEFT, TOP, TOPRIGHT, LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, BOTTOMLEFT, BOTTOM, and BOTTOMRIGHT. In the following example, we know that the best position for an inside legend is TOPRIGHT or TOPLEFT. Because the AUTOALIGN= option specifies a list of preferred positions, the first of the listed positions that does not involve data collision is used. Had the histogram been skewed to the right, the TOPLEFT position would be used.
layout overlay;
  histogram Weight / name="sp";
  densityplot Weight / kernel()
    legendlabel="Kernel Density"
  discretelegend "kde" /
    autoalign=(topright topleft) ;
Specifying Preferred Positions for Automated Alignment
When the parent layout contains only scatter plots, you can fully automate the selection of an internal position by specifying AUTOALIGN=AUTO. This is a "smart" option that automatically selects a position where there is no (or minimal) collision with plot components. The AUTOALIGN=AUTO option selects a position for you. Note that positions that are not possible with HALIGN= and VALIGN= might be used.
layout overlay;
  scatterplot X=Height Y=Weight / name="sp" group=sex;
  discretelegend "sp" / location=inside autoalign=auto ;
Fully Automated Alignment

General Appearance Options

Using Background Transparency and Color

The following options control the appearance of the legend background:
determines whether the legend background is 100% transparent or 0% transparent.
BACKGROUNDCOLOR= style-reference | color
determines legend background color. OPAQUE=TRUE must be set for the background color to be seen. The GraphLegendBackground:Color style reference is the default.
By default, OPAQUE=FALSE when LOCATION=INSIDE. This minimizes the potential for the legend to obscure the markers, lines, fills, and labels in the plot area. when When LOCATION=OUTSIDE, OPAQUE=TRUE by default. This enables the legend background color to appear. Typically, the default legend background color is the same as the plot wall background color. The following graph illustrates the default settings (the graph uses the DEFAULT style, which has a gray graph background):
Default Opacity of Legend Background
The next graph illustrates how the graph looks when the default opacity is reversed. With reverse opacity, the default background color of an inside legend is the same as the fill color of the plot wall that is behind it. For outside legends, the default background color is 100% transparent, so the graph background color shows through the legend.
Reversing the Default Opacity of Legend Background
When the legend background is opaque, you can use the BACKGROUNDCOLOR= option to set its color. In the following example, BACKGROUNDCOLOR=GraphAltBlock:Color for both the inside and outside opaque legends. Other style references you could use include GraphHeaderBackground:Color, GraphBlock:Color, or any other style element with a COLOR= attribute. You can also specify a specific color, such as BACKGROUNDCOLOR=white.
Setting a Legend Background Color

Using a Legend Title and Title Border

By default, legends do not have titles. To add a title, you can use the TITLE= option. You can also add a dividing line between the legend title and the legend body with the TITLEBORDER=TRUE setting.
layout overlay;
  histogram Weight / name="sp";
    densityplot Weight / normal()
      legendlabel="Normal" name="norm"
    densityplot Weight / kernel()
      legendlabel="Kernel" name="kde"
    discretelegend "norm" "kde" /
      location=inside across=1
      autoalign=(topright topleft)
      title="Theoretical Distributions"
      titleborder=true ;
Legend with a Title and a Border

Legend Border

By default, a border is displayed around a legend. You can remove the border by specifying BORDER=FALSE (which also removes the title border). The line properties of a legend border can be set by the BORDERATTRS= option. The following example modifies the legend border so that it is thicker than the title border:
layout overlay;
  histogram Weight / name="sp";
    densityplot Weight / normal()
      legendlabel="Normal" name="norm"
    densityplot Weight / kernel()
      legendlabel="Kernel" name="kde"
    discretelegend "norm" "kde" /
      location=inside across=1
      autoalign=(topright topleft)
      title="Theoretical Distributions"
      borderattrs=(thickness=2) ;
Setting Line Thickness for the Legend Border

Legend Text Properties

The TITLEATTRS= and VALUEATTRS= options control the text properties of the legend. By default, the text properties come from the current style. The legend title uses TITLEATTRS = GraphLabelText, and legend entries use VALUEATTRS = GraphValueText. For visual consistency in the graph, the GraphLabelText style element is also used for axis labels, and the GraphValueText style element is also used for axis tick values. In general, style elements are used as needed in a graph to maintain visual consistency.
The following example sets all legend text to gray. The font for the legend title is made the same as the default font for the legend values by setting TITLEATTRS=GraphValueText.
layout overlay;
  histogram Weight / name="sp";
    densityplot Weight / normal()
      legendlabel="Normal" name="norm"
    densityplot Weight / kernel()
      legendlabel="Kernel" name="kde"
    discretelegend "norm" "kde" /
      location=inside across=1
      autoalign=(topright topleft)
      title="Theoretical Distributions"
      border=false valueattrs=(color=gray)
      titleattrs=GraphValueText(color=gray) ;
Setting Properties for Legend Text