Features of Discrete Legends

Ordering the Legend Entries for a Grouped Plot


When the GROUP=column option is used with a plot, the unique values of column are presented in the legend in the order that they occur in the data.
proc template;
 define statgraph order;
  dynamic TITLE;
   entrytitle TITLE;
   layout overlay;
    scatterplot x=height y=weight / name="sp"
      group=age ;
    discretelegend "sp" / title="Age";
proc sgrender data=sashelp.class template=order;
    title="Default Order of Legend Entries"; 
Default Order of Legend Entries

Sorting the Data

To see the group values in ascending or descending order, you must sort the input data by column before executing the template.
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=class;
 by age;

proc sgrender data=class template=order;
    title="Sorted Order of Legend Entries";
Sorted Order of Legend Entries

Formatting the Data

You can apply a format to a group column to change the legend entry labels or the number of classification levels. The ordering of the legend entries is based on the order of the pre-formatted group values. In the following example, the data is sorted in ascending order, so the legend entry order is "Pre-Teen" "Teen" "Adult" (there are no adults, so "Adult" does not appear in the graph). If the data were sorted in descending age order the legend entry order would be reversed.
proc format; 
  value teenfmt 
  low-12  = "Pre-Teen" 
  13-19   = "Teen" 
  20-high = "Adult"; 

proc sort data=sashelp.class out=class;
  by age;

proc sgrender data=class template=order;
  format age teenfmt.;
    title="Formatted Order of Legend Entries";
Formatted Order of Legend Entries
In a GTL template, the plot statement, not the legend statement, defines the association of grouped data values with colors, symbols, and line patterns. The association is simply reflected in the legend entries. To change the mapping between grouped data values and the associated style elements, use the INDEX=column option on the plot statement. For a discussion of the INDEX= option, see Managing Graph Appearance: General Principles.

Ordering the Legend Entries for Non-grouped Plots


When plots are overlaid and you want to distinguish them in a legend, you must assign each plot a name and then reference the name in the legend statement. The order in which the plot names appear on the legend statement controls the ordering of the legend entries for the plots.

Varying Visual Properties

In the following examples, the CYCLEATTRS=TRUE setting is used as a quick way to change the visual properties of each plot without explicitly setting it. When CYCLEATTRS=TRUE, any plots that derive their default visual properties from one of the GraphData elements are cycled through those elements for deriving visual properties. So, the first plot gets its visual properties from the GraphData1 style element, the next plot gets its properties from the GraphData2 style element, and so on. When plot lines represent entities such as fit lines or confidence bands, it is recommended that you use options such as LINEATTRS= or OUTLINEATTRS= and specify appropriate style elements. For example, you might specify LINEATTRS=GraphFit or OUTLINEATTRS=GraphConfidence.
layout overlay / cycleattrs=true
    yaxisopts=(display=(ticks tickvalues));
  seriesplot X=month Y=actual /  name="a";
  seriesplot X=month Y=predict / name="p";
  discretelegend "a" "p" /valign=bottom;
  discretelegend "p" "a" /valign=top;
Using the CYCELATTRS= Option

Assigning Legend Entry Labels

Every GTL plot type (except box plot) has a default legend entry label. For example, for some X-Y plots, the default entry legend label is the label of the Y= column (or the column name if no label is assigned).
To assign a legend entry label for a plot, you can use a LABEL statement with PROC SGRENDER, or use the LEGENDLABEL="string" option on the plot statement.
layout overlay / yaxisopts=(label="Sales")
  seriesplot x=month y=actual / name="a"
             legendlabel="Actual" ;
  seriesplot x=month y=predict / name="p"
             legendlabel="Predicted" ;

  discretelegend "a" "p"/  valign=bottom;
Setting Legend Labels
Note: Other techniques are available for labeling plots without using a legend. Plots that render one or more lines (SERIESPLOT, STEPPLOT, DENSITYPLOT, REGRESSIONPLOT, LOESSPLOT, PBSPLINEPLOT, MODELBAND, BANDPLOT, LINEPARM, REFERENCELINE, and DROPLINE) all support a CURVELABEL= option that places text inside or outside of the plot wall to label the line(s). Additional options are available to control curve label location, position, and text properties. For examples, see Managing Graph Appearance: General Principles and Adding and Changing Text in a Graph.

Arranging Legend Entries into Columns and Rows


When legends have many entries or the legend value labels are long, you might want to control how the legend entries are organized. The following examples show how the size of the graph can affect the default legend organization.
When the graph is wide enough, all legend information can fit in one row.
Note: When all the legend entries and the legend title will fit in one row, the legend title is drawn on the left as shown in the following graph. This is done to conserve the vertical space that is used by the legend.
Legend with No Wrapping

Legend Wrapping

As the graph gets smaller, the area that is allotted to the legend is reduced. In the following graph, the width of the graph is reduced to the point where it causes the legend entries to wrap into an additional row. Because the legend needs this extra row, the height of the plot wall must be reduced, leaving less room for the data display. Also, because the legend entries and title do not fit in one row, the title is now drawn above the legend entries.
Legend Wrapping

Options to Control Legend Wrapping

You can explicitly control the organization of legend entries with the following options on the legend statement:
determines whether legend entries are wrapped on a column or row basis. Default is ROWMAJOR.
ACROSS = number
determines the number of columns. Only used with ORDER=ROWMAJOR
DOWN = number
determines the number of rows. Use only with ORDER=COLUMNMAJOR
determines whether to show a legend when there are too many entries to fit in the available space

Organizing Legend Entries in a Fixed Number of Columns

For legends with left or right horizontal alignment, a vertical orientation of legend entries works best because it allows the most space for the plot area. In such cases, you typically want to set a small fixed number of columns for the legend entries and let the entries wrap to a new row whenever necessary. This entails setting ORDER=ROWMAJOR and an ACROSS= value. In the following example, ACROSS=1 means "place all entries in one column, and start as many new rows as necessary."
layout overlay;
  scatterplot x=Height y=Weight / name="sp"
  discretelegend "sp" / title="Age"
    halign=right valign=center
    order=rowmajor across=1 ;
Legend Setting: ORDER=ROWMAJOR and ACROSS=1
As you increase the number of columns, the plot area decreases. In the following example, ACROSS=2 means "place all entries in two columns left to right, and start as many new rows as necessary."
layout overlay;
  scatterplot x=Height y=Weight / name="sp"
  discretelegend "sp" / title="Age"
    halign=right valign=center
    order=rowmajor across=2 ;
Legend Setting: ORDER=ROWMAJOR and ACROSS=2

Organizing Legend Entries in a Fixed Number of Rows

For legends with a top and bottom alignment, a horizontal orientation of legend entries works best. In such cases, you typically want to set a small fixed number of rows for the legend entries and let the entries wrap to a new column whenever necessary. This entails setting ORDER=COLUMNMAJOR and a DOWN= value. In the following example, DOWN=1 means "place all entries in one row, and start as many new columns as necessary."
layout overlay;
  scatterplot x=Height y=Weight / name="sp"
  discretelegend "sp" / title="Age"
    order=columnmajor down=1 ;
Legend Setting: ORDER=COLUMNMAJOR and DOWN=1
As you increase the number of rows, the plot area decreases. In the following example, DOWN=2 means "place all entries in two rows top to bottom, and start as many new columns as necessary."
layout overlay;
  scatterplot x=Height y=Weight / name="sp"
  discretelegend "sp" / title="Age"
    order=columnmajor down=2 ;
Legend Setting: ORDER=COLUMNMAJOR and DOWN=2

When Discrete Legends Get Too Large

As a discrete legend gets more entries or as the legend entry text is lengthy, the legend grows and the plot wall shrinks to accommodate the legend's size. At some point, the plot wall becomes so small that it is useless. For that reason, whenever all the legends in a graph occupy more than 20% of the total area of the graph, the larger legends are dropped as needed from the graph to keep the legend area at 20% or less of the graph area. For example, the following code generates only one legend, but that legend would occupy more than 20% of the total area of the graph, so the legend is dropped and the plot is rendered as if no legend were specified.
proc template;
 define statgraph legendsize;
    entrytitle "Legend Drops out with GROUP=NAME";
    layout overlay;
      scatterplot x=Height y=Weight / name="sp" group=name;
      discretelegend "sp" / title="Name" across=2 halign=right;
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=class; by name; run;
proc sgrender data=class template=legendsize;
Legend Drops Out
When the legend is dropped from the graph, you see the following log note:
NOTE: Some graph legends have been dropped due to size constraints. Try adjusting
      the MAXLEGENDAREA=, WIDTH= and HEIGHT= options in the ODS GRAPHICS
In such cases, you can use the WIDTH= and HEIGHT= options in the ODS GRAPHICS statement to increase the graph area so that at some point the legend is displayed.
Another alternative is to use the MAXLEGENDAREA= option to change the threshold area for when legends drop out. The following specification allows all legends to occupy up to 40% of the graph area:
ods graphics / maxlegendarea=40;
proc sgrender data=class template=legendsize;
However, changing the total area that is allotted to legends might not resolve the problem if the specified legend organization does not fit in the existing size. In these cases, the legend might not be displayed and you would see the following log message:
         The legend will not be drawn.
To investigate this problem, you can specify DISPLAYCLIPPED=TRUE in the DISCRETELEGEND statement, which forces the legend to display so that you can visually inspect it.
discretelegend "sp" / title="Name" across=2 halign=right displayclipped=true ;
Legend is Clipped
In the current example, it is apparent that the height chosen for the output is not large enough to display the title and all legend entries in two columns. The problem can be fixed in any of the following ways:
  • increasing the graph height (HEIGHT= on ODS GRAPHICS statement or DESIGNHEIGHT= on the BEGINGRAPH statement)
  • relocating the legend and/or reorganizing it with the ACROSS= or DOWN= options
  • setting DISPLAYCLIPPED=TRUE if you are willing to see only a portion of the legend
  • reducing the font size for the legend entries (and possibly the title).
To change the font sizes of the legend entries, use the VALUEATTRS= option on the legend statement. To change the font size of the legend title, use the TITLEATTRS= option. Normally, the legend entries are displayed in 9pt font, and the legend title is displayed in 10pt font. The following example reduces the size of legend text:
discretelegend "sp" / title="Name" across=2 halign=right
                      valueattrs=(size= 7pt) titleattrs=(size= 8pt);
Legend with Reduced Font Sizes