Default Axis Construction and Related Options

Determine Axis Type

To determine axis types, the OVERLAY container examines all of the stand-alone plot statements that are specified. It also examines whether an axis type has been specified with the TYPE= setting on an axis option (for example, on XAXISOPTS=). If there is only one stand-alone plot, or a plot is designated as PRIMARY, the rules are simple:
  • If the plot statement that is mapped to an axis treats data values as discrete (such as the X= column of the BARCHART or BOXPLOT statement), the axis type is DISCRETE for that axis, regardless of whether the data column that is mapped to the axis is character or numeric. A DISCRETE axis has tick values for each unique value in a data column.
  • If the plot statement that is mapped to an axis bases the axis type on the data type of the assigned values, a DISCRETE axis is created when the column type is character. Otherwise, a TIME or LINEAR axis is created.
  • If the plot statement that is mapped to an axis specifies a numeric column and the column has a date, time, or datetime format associated with it, the axis type is TIME. See TIME Axes for examples. Otherwise, the numeric axis type is LINEAR, the general numeric axis type. See LINEAR Axes for examples.
  • A LOG axis is never automatically created. To obtain a LOG axis, you must explicitly declare the axis type with the TYPE=LOG option. See LOG Axes for examples.
  • If a TYPE= axis-type option is specified, that is the type used. Plots that cannot support that axis type will not be drawn.
When the overlay container has multiple plots that generate axes, GTL can determine default axis features for the shared axes, or you can use the PRIMARY= option on one of the plot statements to specify which plot you want the GTL to use.
  • If no plot is designated as primary, the data columns that are associated with the first plot that generates an axis are considered primary on a per-axis basis.
  • If PRIMARY=TRUE for a plot within an overlay-type layout, that plot's data columns and type will be used to determine the default axis features, regardless of where this plot statement occurs within the layout block.
  • Only one plot can be primary on a per-axis basis. If multiple plots specify PRIMARY=TRUE for the same axis, the last one encountered is considered primary.
Example: For the following layout block, the BARCHART is considered the primary plot because it is the first stand-alone plot that is specified in the layout and no other plot has been set as the primary plot. A BARCHART requires a discrete X-axis. You cannot change the axis type. It does not matter whether QUARTER is a numeric or character variable. Because the SERIESPLOT can use a discrete axis, the overlay will be successful.
layout overlay;  
  barchart   x=quarter y=actualSales;
  seriesplot x=quarter y=predictedSales;
Example: For the following layout block, the first SERIESPLOT is considered primary. If the QUARTER variable is numeric and has a date format, then the X-axis type will be TIME. If the variable is numeric, but does not have a date format, then the axis type will be LINEAR. If the variable is character, then the axis type will be DISCRETE.
layout overlay;
  seriesplot x=quarter y=predictedSales;
  seriesplot x=quarter y=actualSales;
Example: For the following layout block, the X-axis is DISCRETE because it was declared to be DISCRETE and this does not contradict any internal decision about axis type because both SERIESPLOT and BARCHART support a discrete axis. It does not matter whether QUARTER is a numeric or character variable.
layout overlay / xaxisopts=(type=discrete);
  seriesplot x=quarter y=predictedSales;
  barchart   x=quarter y=actualSales;
Example: For the following layout block, the SERIESPLOT is the primary plot. If QUARTER is a character variable, a discrete axis is used and the overlay is successful. However, if QUARTER is a numeric variable, either a TIME or LINEAR axis is used, the BARCHART overlay fails, and a message is written to the log.
layout overlay;
  seriesplot x=quarter y=predictedSales;
  barchart   x=quarter y=actualSales;
WARNING: BARCHART statement has a conflict with the axis type. The plot will not be drawn.

Apply Axis Options

Each of the four possible axes (X, Y, X2, Y2) can be managed with a set of options that apply to axes of any type. In addition, option bundles are available for managing each specific axis type. For example, the following syntax shows the option bundles that are available on the LAYOUT OVERLAY statement's XAXISOPTS= option:
LAYOUT OVERLAY </ XAXISOPTS=(general-options LINEAROPTS=(options ) DISCRETEOPTS=(options ) TIMEOPTS=(options ) LOGOPTS=(options ) ) >;
These same bundles are available for the other axes using the following LAYOUT OVERLAY options:
YAXISOPTS= (same-as-xaxisopts )
Y2AXISOPTS=(same-as-xaxisopts )
X2AXISOPTS=(same-as-xaxisopts )
You can specify as many type-specific option bundles as you want, but only the bundle that corresponds to the axis type will be used for a given template execution.

Determine Axis Data Range

After the type of each axis is determined in the layout, the data ranges of all plot statements that contribute to an axis are compared. For LINEAR, TIME, and LOG axes, the minimum of all minimum values and the maximum of all maximum values are derived as a "unioned" data range. For a DISCRETE axis, the data range is the set of all unique values from the sets of all values. The VIEWMIN= and VIEWMAX= options for LINEAR, TIME, and LOG axes can be used to change the displayed axis range. For examples, see LINEAR Axes, TIME Axes, and LOG Axes.

Determine Axis Label

The default axis label is determined by the primary plot. If a label is associated with the data column, the label is used. If no column label is assigned, the column name is used for the axis label. Each set of axis options provides LABEL= and SHORTLABEL= options that can be used to change the axis label. By default, the font characteristics of the label are set by the current style, but the plot statement's LABELATTRS= option can be used to change the font characteristics. See Axis Appearance Features Controlled by the Current Style. The following examples show how axis labels are determined and how to set an axis label.
Consider the following data set, which contains information about bacteria and virus growth:
data growth;
  do Hours=1 to 15 by .5; 
    Bacteria= 1000*10**( sqrt(Hours ));
    Virus= 1000*10**(log(hours));
    label bacteria="Bacteria Growth" virus="Virus Growth";
To plot the growth trend for both Bacteria and Virus in the same graph, we can use a simple overlay of series plots. Whenever two or more columns are mapped to the same axis, the primary plot determines the axis label. In the following example, the first SERIESPLOT is primary by default, so its columns determine the axis labels. In this case, the Y-axis label is determined by the BACTERIA column.
layout overlay / cycleattrs=true;
  seriesplot x=Hours y=Bacteria/ curvelabel="Bacteria"; 
  seriesplot x=Hours y=Virus / curvelabel="Virus";
Default Axis Label
If we designate another plot statement as "primary," its X= and Y= columns will be used to label the axes. The PRIMARY= option is useful when you desire a certain stacking order of the overlays, but you want the axis characteristics to be determined by a plot statement that is not the default primary plot statement. In the following example, the second SERIESPLOT is set as the primary plot, so its columns determine the axis labels. In this case, the Y-axis label is determined by the VIRUS column.
layout overlay / cycleattrs=true;
  seriesplot x=Hours y=Bacteria/ curvelabel="Bacteria";
  seriesplot x=Hours y=Virus / curvelabel="Virus" primary=true ;
Primary Plot Determines Default Axis Label
In the previous two examples, allowing the primary plot to determine the Y-axis label did not result in an appropriate label because a more generic label is needed. To achieve this, you must set the axis label yourself with the LABEL= option.
layout overlay / cycleattrs=true 
    yaxisopts=(label="Growth of Virus and Bateria Cultures") ;
  seriesplot x=Hours y=Bacteria/ curvelabel="Bacteria";
  seriesplot x=Hours y=Virus / curvelabel="Virus";
Short Labels. If the data column's label is long, or if you supply a long string for the label, the label might be truncated if it won't fit in the allotted space. This might happen when you create a small graph or when the font size for the axis label is large.
Axis Label is Truncated
As a remedy for these situations, you can specify a "backup" label with the SHORTLABEL= option. The short label will be displayed whenever the default label or the LABEL= string won't fit.
layout overlay / cycleattrs=true
    yaxisopts=(label="Growth of Virus and Bacteria Cultures"
               shortlabel="Growth" );
  seriesplot x=Hours y=Bacteria/ curvelabel="Bacteria"; 
  seriesplot x=Hours y=Virus / curvelabel="Virus";
Substituting a Short Label
Computed Columns. Another situation where you might want to control the axis label is when a computed column is used.
layout overlay;
  histogram eval(weight*height);
You can use an EVAL expression to compute a new column that can be used as a required argument. Such columns have manufactured names in the associated data object. The name is based on the input column(s) and the functional transformation that was applied to the input column. In this example, BIN(WEIGHT*HEIGHT) is the manufactured name.
Default Axis Label for Computed Plot

Determine Axis Tick Values

The tick values for LINEAR and TIME axes are calculated according to an internal algorithm that produces good tick values by default. This algorithm can be modified or bypassed with axis options. For examples, see LINEAR Axes and LOG Axes.
By default, the font characteristics of the tick values are set by the current style. You can set alternative font characteristics with the TICKVALUEATTRS= option. For more information, see Axis Appearance Features Controlled by the Current Style.

Apply Axis Thresholds

For LINEAR axes only, part of the default axis construction computes a small number of "good" tick values for the axis. This list might include "encompassing" tick values that go beyond the data range on both the lower or upper side of the axis. The THRESHOLDMIN= and THRESHOLDMAX= options of LINEAROPTS = ( ) can be used to establish rules for when to add encompassing tick marks. In the following example, the data range is 5 to 47. When the THRESHOLDMIN=0 and THRESHOLDMAX=0, the lowest and highest tick marks will always be at or inside the data range. Notice that the lowest tick mark is 10 and the highest tick mark is 40.
When the THRESHOLDMIN=1 and THRESHOLDMAX=1, the lowest and highest tick marks will always be at or outside the data range. Notice that the lowest tick mark is 0 and the highest tick mark is 50.
When the thresholds are set to any value between 0 and 1, a computation is performed to determine whether an encompassing tick is added. The default value for both thresholds is .3. Notice that the highest tick mark is 50 and the lowest tick mark is 10. In this case, an encompassing tick was added for the highest tick but not for the lowest tick.
At the high end of the axis, there is a tick mark at 40. The THRESHOLDMAX= option determines whether a tick mark should be displayed at 50. The threshold distance is calculated by multiplying the THRESHOLDMAX= value (0.3) by the tick interval value (10), which equals 3. Measuring the threshold distance 3 down from 50 yields 47, so if the highest data value is between 47 and 50, a tick mark will be displayed at 50. In this case, the highest data value is 47 and it is within the threshold, so the tick mark at 50 is displayed.
At the low end of the axis, there is a tick mark at 10. The THRESHOLDMIN= option determines whether a tick mark should be displayed at 0. The threshold distance is calculated by multiplying the THRESHOLDMIN= value (0.3) by the tick interval value (10), which equals 3. Measuring the threshold distance of 3 up from 0 yields 3, so if the lowest data value is between 0 and 3, a tick mark will be displayed at 0. In this case, the lowest data value is 5 and it is not within this threshold, so the tick mark at 0 is not displayed.
Thresholds are important when you want the Y and Y2 (or X and X2) axes to have ticks marks located at equivalent locations on different scales. By preventing "encompassing" ticks from being drawn, you can ensure that the axis ranges for the two axes correctly align. The following example accepts the default minimum and maximum data values for each axis. Notice that the five scatter points for each plot are superimposed exactly.
layout overlay /
             linearopts=(integer=true thresholdmin=0 thresholdmax=0 ))

  y2axisopts=(linearopts=(integer=true thresholdmin=0 thresholdmax=0 ));
 scatterplot  x=city y=fahrenheit;
 scatterplot  x=city y=celsius / yaxis=y2;
Assuring Equivalent Ticks on Independent Axes
In the following example, the axes have different but equivalent ranges that are established with the VIEWMIN= and VIEWMAX= options (32F <==> 0C and 86F <==> 30C).
layout overlay /
    yaxisopts= (griddisplay=on
                linearopts=(integer=true thresholdmin=0 thresholdmax=0
                            viewmin=32 viewmax=86 ))

    y2axisopts= (linearopts=(integer=true thresholdmin=0 thresholdmax=0
                             viewmin=0 viewmax=30 ));

  scatterplot  x=City y=Fahrenheit;
  scatterplot  x=City y=Celsius / yaxis=y2;
VIEWMIN and VIEWMAX Establish Axis Range
This next example creates equivalent ticks for a computed histogram. We want to ensure that the percentage and actual count correspond on the Y and Y2 axes.
layout overlay / yaxisopts=(linearopts=( thresholdmin=0 thresholdmax=0 ))
    y2axisopts=(linearopts=( thresholdmin=0 thresholdmax=0 ));
  histogram mrw  / scale=percent;
  histogram mrw  / scale=count yaxis=y2; 
Setting Thresholds in a Histogram

Apply Axis Offsets

In addition to axis thresholds, there are also axis offsets. Offsets are small gaps that are potentially added to each end of an axis: before the start of the data range and after the end of the data range. Offsets can be applied to any type of axis. For example, axis offsets are automatically added to allow for markers to appear at the first or last tick without clipping the marker
Axis Offsets for Markers
For plots such as box plots, histograms, and barcharts, offset space is added to ensure that the first and last box or bar does not get clipped.
Axis Offsets for Bars
The OFFSETMIN= option on a layout statement controls the distance from the beginning of the axis to the first tick mark (or minimum data value). The OFFSETMAX= option controls the distance between last tick (or maximum data value) and the end of the axis. The offset range is from 0 to 1, and the specified value is used to calculate the offset as a percentage of the full axis length. The default offset reserves just enough space to fully display markers and other graphical features near the ends of an axis.
For some plots, the axis offsets are not desirable. To illustrate this, consider the contour plot below. Notice that the entire plot area between minimum and maximum data values is filled with colors that correspond to a Z value. The narrow white bands around the top and right edges of the filled area and the axis wall boundaries are due to the default axis offsets.
layout overlay;  
  contourplotparm x=height y=weight z=density;
Default Axis Offsets
To eliminate the "extra" gaps at the ends of the axes, we can set axis offsets and thresholds to zero. An offset is a value between 0 and 1 that represents a percentage of the length of the axis.
layout overlay / xaxisopts=( offsetmin=0 offsetmax=0
                   linearopts=( thresholdmin=0 thresholdmax=0 ))
                 yaxisopts=( offsetmax=0 offsetmax=0
                   linearopts=( thresholdmin=0 thresholdmax=0 ));
  contourplotparm x=height y=weight z=density;
Axis Offsets and Thresholds Set to 0