Modifying an SG Procedure to Use the SG Annotation Data Set

After you have created an SG annotation data set, you can modify the SG procedure to reference the annotation data. You can use annotation in the SGPLOT, SGPANEL, and SGSCATTER procedures.
To modify the procedure to use the SG annotation data set, add the following option to the procedure statement.
SGANNO= annotation-data-set
specifies the SG annotation data set that you want to use. For more information about SG annotation data sets, see SG Annotation Data Sets.
You can also create margins around the graph by using the PAD= option.
PAD= dimension<units> | (pad-options)
specifies the amount of extra space that is reserved along the edges of the graph. This option creates margins around the graph for company logos, annotated notes, and so on. You can also specify the unit of measurement. The default unit is pixels. For a list of measurement units that are supported, see Units of Measurement.
Use pad options to create non-uniform padding. Edges that are not assigned padding are padded with the default amount.
pad-options can be one or more of the following:
LEFT= dimension<units>
specifies the amount of extra space to add to the left edge.
RIGHT= dimension<units>
specifies the amount of extra space to add to the right edge.
TOP= dimension<units>
specifies the amount of extra space to add to the top edge.
BOTTOM= dimension<units>
specifies the amount of extra space to add to the bottom edge.