DATAPANEL statement creates a grid of graphs, based on the values
of one or more classifications variables. The main differences between
this layout and the DATALATTICE layout is that this layout supports
more than two classification variables, and it provides more control
over the grid layout.
By default,
the number of cells in the layout is determined by a crosstabulation
table of all the classification variables plus any empty cells needed
to complete the last row/column of the grid. The contents of each
data cell are based on a graph prototype that you specify in the
graph-prototype-block. You can enhance the display
using one or more
sidebar-statement-blocks. For classification variables that have many values, you can use
COLUMNS= option or the
ROWS= option, or both with the
PANELNUMBER= option to generate multiple panel
The order
of the value pairings for the classification variables is determined
by the order that the variables are specified on the CLASSVARS= argument.
The last named variable’s values vary most rapidly (like nested
DO loops). Variable values are always returned in data order.
By default,
the first data cell to be filled is in the layout’s top left
corner, and data cells are filled from left-to-right, top-to-bottom.
Use the
START= option to change the starting data
cell to the bottom left corner, and use the
ORDER= option to determine whether data cells fill
by column or by row. See the
START= option for illustrations on how START=
and ORDER= interact to manage the fill sequence for data cells.
layout is designed to be the outermost layout in the template.