Editing the Graph

Add a Title to the Graph

To add a title to the graph:
  1. Click the title icon Title icon in the Graph toolbar. A text box appears at the bottom of the graph and displays the highlighted text Insert Title.
  2. Type Student Height.

Change the Axis Labels for the Graph

Change the axis labels to make them more informative.
To change the axis labels:
  1. Double-click the Y axis label (Height) and change the text to Height in Inches.
  2. Double-click the X axis label (Weight) and change the text to Weight in Pounds.

Change the Marker Symbol and Size

When you change the marker for the data points, you modify plot properties.
To change the markers:
  1. Right-click inside the plot and select Plot Properties. The Plot Properties dialog box appears.
  2. On the Plots tab, select the unfilled star marker (Star marker) from the Symbol list box.
  3. Select 9 from the Size list box.
  4. Click OK.

Change the Graph Style

The default style for the graph is StatGraphScheme, which inherits attributes from the style that was used when the graph was created (in this example, HTMLBlue). In this step, you change the style to Analysis.
  1. Select Formatthen selectStyle from the main menu.
  2. From the cascading menu, select Analysis.
Notice that the color of the markers has changed, but the marker symbol and size remain the same as they were. The reason is that you explicitly changed the marker symbol and size. The marker attributes that you specified override the settings that are associated with the new style.

Change the Size of the Graph

In this example, you want the graph to be five inches by approximately three inches in order to fit in a color presentation.
To change the size:
  1. Right-click the graph and select Graph Properties. The Graph Properties dialog box appears.
    Graph Properties dialog box
  2. Change the width of the graph to 5.
    Keep Aspect Ratio is currently selected. Changing the width to 5 also changes the height to 3.75 to maintain the current aspect ratio.
  3. Click OK.

View Your Changes

Here are the results of the editing changes that you have made so far to the graph.
Edits Made to the Simple Graph
Edits Made to the Simple Graph