Using the ODS GRAPHICS Statement to Set Graphics Options

You can use the ODS GRAPHICS statement options to control many aspects of your graphics. The settings that you specify remain in effect for all graphics until you change or reset these settings with another ODS GRAPHICS statement.
For example, if you are creating a graph for a paper or presentation, it is recommended that you specify the size of the graph as it will appear in the document rather than resize the graph after it has been produced. You can use options in the ODS GRAPHICS statement to control the size of the output image. The following example specifies a width of four inches and no border around the graph.
ods graphics / width=4in border=off;
title1 "Cholesterol Levels for Age > 60";
proc sgpanel data=sashelp.heart(
    where=(AgeAtStart > 60)) ;
  panelby sex / novarname;
  loess x=weight y=cholesterol / clm;
Note: The height does not need to be specified in this example. The default aspect of the graph is maintained when only the WIDTH= option is specified.
Graph with a Width of Four Inches, and with No Border
Title with a Width of Four Inches, with No Border