About the ODS GRAPHICS Statement

The ODS GRAPHICS statement enables many SAS procedures to produce graphs as automatically as they produce tables. The statement enables or disables ODS graphics processing and sets graphics environment options.
Here is the basic syntax for the statement:
ODS GRAPHICS < OFF | ON> </ option(s)>;
The statement affects ODS graphical output only. (ODS graphs are template-based graphs that are created using Graph Template Language syntax. For more information, see SAS/GRAPH Output versus ODS Graphics.)
The statement can be used with any SAS procedure that supports ODS Graphics functionality. Like other ODS statements, the ODS GRAPHICS statement is global and can be used anywhere in your SAS program. The statement remains in effect until you explicitly change it or until you close the SAS session.
By default, the ODS GRAPHICS statement is set to ON for SAS procedures that support ODS Graphics when the procedures are executed in the SAS windowing environment on Windows and UNIX operating systems. In batch mode, the ODS GRAPHICS statement is set to OFF by default.
You can disable ODS Graphics output in the SAS preferences dialog box.
SAS preferences
For more information, in SAS select Toolsthen selectOptionsthen selectPreferences. Then click Help for the online documentation.
You can also disable ODS Graphics for the current SAS session by issuing the following statement.
ods graphics off;
You should consider disabling ODS Graphics if your goal is solely to produce computational or tabular results. Producing ODS Graphics uses additional resources.