Example of Creating a Template

This example creates a two-celled graph that shows linear and loess regression fits. The template uses a LATTICE layout with two columns.
Two-Celled Linear and Loess Regression Graph
Two-Celled Linear and Loess Regression Graph
Here is the code for the output display.
proc template;
  define statgraph mygraph;
    dynamic XVAR YVAR;
    begingraph / designwidth=480px designheight=320px;
    layout lattice / columns=2;
     layout overlayequated / equatetype=square;
        entry "Linear Regression Fit" /
          valign=top textattrs=(weight=bold);
        scatterplot x=XVAR y=YVAR / markerattrs=(color=red)   datatransparency=.7;
        regressionplot x=XVAR y=YVAR;
      layout overlayequated / equatetype=square;
        entry "Loess Fit" /
          valign=top textattrs=(weight=bold);
        scatterplot x=XVAR y=YVAR / markerattrs=(color=red) datatransparency=.7;
        loessplot x=XVAR y=YVAR;

proc sgrender data=sashelp.iris template=mygraph;
  dynamic xvar="SepalLength" yvar="SepalWidth";
Here is a brief description of the code.
  • The DYNAMIC statement creates dynamic variables named XVAR and YVAR. This feature enables you to specify different names for the X and Y data values when you render the graph.
    dynamic XVAR YVAR;
  • The DESIGNWIDTH= and DESIGNHEIGHT= options in the BEGINGRAPH statement control the graph size.
    begingraph / designwidth=480px designheight=320px;
  • The LAYOUT statement begins the outer LAYOUT block and specifies a lattice with two columns.
    layout lattice / columns=2;
  • The outer LAYOUT block contains two nested LAYOUT blocks, one for each overlay cell in the lattice. Each cell contains a scatter plot and a fit plot. The main distinction between the two cells is the type of fit plot. The first cell contains a regression plot and the second cell contains a loess plot.
    An ENTRY statement specifies the text for each cell title. The title for the first cell is "Linear Regression Fit." In the second LAYOUT block, the title is "Loess Fit."
    The MARKERATTRS= option in the SCATTERPLOT statement specifies a red color for the scatter plot markers. In addition, 70% transparency is assigned to the scatter plot to increase the visibility of the fit plot.
    layout overlayequated / equatetype=square;
      entry "Linear Regression Fit" /
                       valign=top textattrs=(weight=bold);
      scatterplot x=XVAR y=YVAR / markerattrs=(color=red) datatransparency=.7;
      regressionplot x=XVAR y=YVAR;
    layout overlayequated / equatetype=square;
      entry "Loess Fit" /
                       valign=top textattrs=(weight=bold);
      scatterplot x=XVAR y=YVAR / markerattrs=(color=red) datatransparency=.7;
      loessplot x=XVAR y=YVAR;
  • The SGRENDER procedure specifies the library and data set to use for the graph. The DYNAMIC statement specifies which columns to use for the X and Y variables of the graph, respectively.
    proc sgrender data=sashelp.iris template=mygraph;
      dynamic xvar="SepalLength" yvar="SepalWidth";