Reports information about the grid environment.
Valid in: %SYSFUNC or %QSYSFUNC Macro, DATA step
Category: Grid



Required Argument

specifies the server session or the SAS Application Server whose details you want to have reported to the SAS log.
The identifier is specified as follows:
reports details about the specified server ID. The details that are returned by the GRDSRV_INFO function reflect the arguments that are specified in the GRDSVC_ENABLE function. You can request details about a server-ID that you have used to create a server session or that you will use to create a server session on the grid.
Requirement:A server-ID cannot exceed eight characters.
reports details about all server IDs to the SAS log. The details that are returned by the GRDSRV_INFO function reflect the arguments that are specified in the GRDSVC_ENABLE function.
reports information about the specified SAS Application Server to the SAS log.
lists each server session and its status: enabled for grid execution, enabled for SMP execution, or disabled.
Interaction:If the GRDSVC_GETINFO function is used in a DATA step, enclose the identifier in single or double quotation marks. The identifier can be specified as server-ID, _ALL_, SASAPPSERVER=SAS-application-server, or _SHOWID_. If no grid processes were enabled using the GRDSRV_ENABLE function or if all grid processes were disabled using the GRDSVC_ENABLE function with _ALL_ option, this message is displayed:
NOTE: No remote session ID enabled/disabled for the grid service.
Tip:You do not have to be signed on to a specific server session in order to get information about it.
Example:This log message reports that the SAS Application Server is a required resource.
NOTE: SAS Application Server Name= SASAPP
            Grid Provider=   Platform
            Grid Workload=   gridwrk
            Grid SAS Command=   gridsasgrid
            Grid Options=   gridopts
            Grid Server Addr=
            Grid Server Port=   123
            Grid Module=   gridmod
            Server name is a required grid resource value.
If the SAS Application Server is a disabled required resource, this message is displayed:
Server name is not a required grid resource value.


Here are the result codes:
GRDSVC_GETINFO Function Return Codes
Result Code
Reports that the specified server ID is not enabled for grid execution.
Reports that the specified server ID is enabled for SMP execution.
Reports that the specified server ID is enabled for a grid execution or that no error occurred.
reports a syntax error in the function call. An example is that an empty string is specified for the server ID.
Reports a parsing error in the function call. An example is the failure to specify the SAS Application Server using the SASAPPSERVER= option.
Reports an invalid server ID in the function call.
Reports an out-of-memory condition while the function is executing.
Reports that an error occurred when the SAS Metadata Server was accessed or when the information was returned from the SAS Metadata Server


/* Show grid logical server definition for SAS Application Server 'SASApp'*/  
%let rc=%sysfunc(grdsvc_getinfo(sasappserver=SASApp));    
/* Show grid information about server session ID 'task1'                  */   
%let rc=%sysfunc(grdsvc_getinfo(task1));    
/* Show server session information for all server sessions                */   
%let rc=%sysfunc(grdsvc_getinfo(_ALL_));    
/* Show all server session IDs that are either grid-enabled or            */   
/* grid-disabled                                                          */   

See Also

RSUBMIT statement
SAS/CONNECT User's Guide
SIGNON statement
SAS/CONNECT User's Guide
DATA step
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
SAS Macro Language: Reference