Configuring the Grid Control Server

After you install and configure the grid middleware, you can use the SAS Deployment Wizard to configure the grid control server. The SAS Deployment Wizard installs and configures these components:
SAS Deployment Wizard Grid Control Server Components
Installed SAS Software Components
Configured SAS Software Components
  • SAS Foundation (including Base SAS and SAS/CONNECT)
  • SAS Management Console
  • Grid Manager Plug-in for SAS Management Console
  • Platform Process Manager Server
  • Grid Monitoring Server
  • SAS Application Server (SAS Logical DATA Step Batch Server, SAS Logical Grid Server, SAS Logical Workspace Server)
  • Object Spawner
  • Grid script file
If you are installing Platform Suite for SAS on a UNIX machine, you might need to source the profile.lsf file before you start the SAS Deployment Wizard. The hostsetup command in the installation procedure for Platform LSF version 7 includes the ability to source the LSF profile to the default profile for all users. If this option was not used in the installation process or did not work correctly, you must use the following procedure. This procedure enables the SAS Deployment Wizard to find the addresource utility. To source the file, follow these steps:
  1. Start the LSF daemons. The easiest method for doing this is to reboot the computer on which Platform Suite for SAS is installed.
  2. Using the default profile for the machine, issue this command:
    . LSF_TOP/conf/profile.lsf
    Replace LSF_TOP with the directory in which Platform LSF is installed. Note that the command starts with a period.
The amount of user input that is required during the installation and configuration process depends on whether you choose an Express, Typical, or Custom install. For information about running the SAS Deployment Wizard, see SAS Deployment Wizard User's Guide.
An Express installation does not request any grid-specific information. Default values are used in all cases, so you must verify that these values match the values needed for your environment
The Platform Process Manager information page enables you to specify the host name and port of the machine on which Platform Process Manager installed.
Platform Process Manager window in deployment wizard, express install
During the installation and configuration process for a Custom install, the SAS Deployment Wizard displays these pages that request grid-specific information:
  1. The Platform Process Manager information page enables you to specify the server on which you installed Platform Suite for SAS and the port used to connect to the server.
    Platform Process Manager window in deployment wizard, custom install
  2. The SAS Grid Control Server information page enables you to specify the name of the SAS Logical Grid Server and the SAS Grid Server. Specify the grid control server machine and port number. For Platform Suite for SAS, specify a value of 0 in the Port field.
    grid connection page in deployment wizard
  3. The Grid Control Server Job Information page enables you to specify how jobs run on the grid. Specify the command used to start the server session on the grid, workload values, and additional options for the grid. For information about the values used in these fields, see Modifying SAS Logical Grid Server Definitions.
    Grid control server page in deployment wizard
  4. The SAS Grid Monitoring Server page enables you to specify the name, machine, and port for the grid monitoring server.
    grid monitoring server page in SAS deployment wizard