Advantages of Using the JAVAMETA Device

The Metaview applet offers these advantages:
  • The Metaview applet runs with the Java Virtual Machine that is included with Web browser. It does not require the installation of a Java Plug-in on the user's machine.
  • The images produced by the Metaview applet are vector graphics, so the zooming capability provided by the Metaview applet allows the user to zoom in on a graph without degrading the graph's appearance. The zoom control is included by default. You can disable it with the ZOOMCONTROLENABLED= parameter.
  • Compared to raster images (GIF, JPEG, PNG), the Metaview applet offers faster data tips, and the data tips stay up as long as you hold your mouse over them. DEV=JAVAMETA lets you use older versions of JAVA (as compared to DEV=JAVA, which does not allow this functionality).
Note: The MetaView applet does not support the High Contrast Black color scheme.