Displaying an Image in Graph Frame

Procedure action statements that support the IFRAME= support frames, which are the backplanes behind the graphs. The backplane is the area within the graph axes. To place an image on the backplane of a graph, specify the IFRAME= option in the procedure action statement that generates the graph. On the IFRAME= option, specify either the path to the image file in quotation marks or a fileref that has been defined to point to the image file:
 iframe=fileref | "external-image-file";
For example, the following program creates a vertical bar chart and adds an image to the graph frame:
goptions reset=all htitle=1.25 colors=(yellow cxde7d6f);
title "Projected Automobile Sales";
data sales;
    input Month Amount;
    informat month monyy.;
jan08 200
feb08 145
mar08 220
apr08 180
may08 155
jun08 250
proc sort;
   by month;
proc gchart;
   format month monname8.;
   vbar month / discrete freq=amount inside=freq
Because the default value for the IMAGESTYLE= graphics option is TILE, the image is copied as many times as needed to fill the frame area.
Bar chart with tiled image background
You can specify IMAGESTYLE=FIT in the GOPTIONS statement to stretch the image so that a single image fits within the entire frame area.
Bar chart with stretched image