Examples: Writing Graphs to a PDF File

Example: Writing Graphs to a PDF File That Contains Bookmarks and Metadata

Here is an example that writes a multipage PDF document to file EuropeanCars.pdf. The document contains two sets of graphs that show information about European cars and car makers. The first set of graphs shows the number of models that each car maker produces that fall within the following ranges of fuel efficiency in highway miles per gallon (MPG):
  • 19 MPG or less
  • between 20 and 29 MPG (inclusive)
  • 30 MPG or higher
The second set of graphs shows the total number of models of the following vehicle types: sedans, SUVs, wagons, and sports cars. RUN-GROUP processing is used to generate all of the graphs. Each page displays a single bar chart and is set up for A4 paper with a 1 cm right, left, and bottom margin, and a 2 cm top margin. For the first set of graphs, the page orientation for each graph is set as shown in the following table.
Page Orientation
19 MPG or less
between 20 and 29 MPG
30 MPG or higher
For the second set, the page orientation for each graph is set as shown in the following table:
Page Orientation
SUVs, wagons, and sports cars
The document also contains bookmarks and metadata. The PROCLABEL= ODS option is used to set the text of the top-level bookmark heading for each graph set. The DESCRIPTION= option is used with each procedure to set the text of each subheading bookmark. The document metadata includes the following:
  • the document’s title: European Cars by MPG and Type
  • the document’s author: J. L. Cho
  • the subject of the document: European Cars
  • a list of search keywords: automobiles, European, cars, MPG, sedans, wagons, and SUVs
Here is the SAS program for this example.
/* Close the HTML destination */
ods html close;

/* Reset the graphics options  */
goptions reset=all;

/* Modify the PDF page properties. These options must
   be set before the ODS PDF statement is executed. */

/* Open the PDF destination */
ods pdf style=seaside
   file="EuropeanCars.pdf"  /* Output filename */
   compress=0          /* No compression */
   /* Add metadata */
   author="J. L. Cho"
   subject="European Cars"
   title="European Cars by MPG and Type"
   keywords="automobiles European cars MPG sedans wagons SUVs";

/* Create a data set of European cars from SASHELP.CARS */
proc sort data=sashelp.cars(where=(origin="Europe")) out=europeancars;
   by make type mpg_highway;

/* Create the axes */
axis1 label=(angle=90 "Number of Models Rated at Specified MPG Highway");
axis2 label=(angle=90 "Number of Models of Specified Type");

/* Set the top-level bookmark for the first set of graphs */
ods proclabel="European Makes By MPG";

/* Create the first set of graphs */
proc gchart data=europeancars;
   vbar Make / name="HighMPG" 
      raxis=axis1 autoref clipref cref=lightgray lautoref=33
      description="30 MPG or Higher"; /* Set subheading text */
      title1 "30 MPG or Higher";
      where MPG_Highway >= 30;
   options orientation=LANDSCAPE; /* Display LANDSCAPE */
   vbar Make / name="MedMPG"
      raxis=axis1 autoref clipref cref=lightgray lautoref=33
      description="20 to 29 MPG"; /* Set subheading text */
      title1 "20 to 29 MPG";
      where MPG_Highway < 30 and MPG_Highway >= 20;
   options orientation=PORTRAIT; /* Display PORTRAIT */
   vbar Make / name="LowMPG"
      raxis=axis1 autoref clipref cref=lightgray lautoref=33
      description="19 MPG or Lower"; /* Set subheading text */
      title1 "19 MPG or Lower";
      where MPG_Highway < 20;

/* Set the top-level bookmark for the second set of graphs */
ods proclabel="European Makes By Type";

/* Create the second set of graphs */
proc gchart data=europeancars;
   options orientation=LANDSCAPE; /* Display LANDSCAPE */   
   vbar Make / name="Sedans"
      raxis=axis2 autoref clipref cref=lightgray lautoref=33
      description="Sedans"; /* Set subheading text */ 
      title1 "Sedans";
      where Type = "Sedan";
   options orientation=PORTRAIT; /* Display PORTRAIT */   
   vbar Make / name="SUVs"
      raxis=axis2 autoref clipref cref=lightgray lautoref=33
      description="SUVs"; /* Set subheading text */
      title1 "SUVs";
      where Type="SUV";
   vbar Make / name="Wagons"
      raxis=axis2 autoref clipref cref=lightgray lautoref=33
      description="Wagons"; /* Set subheading text */
      title1 "Wagons";
      where type="Wagon";
   vbar Make / name="Sports"
      raxis=axis2 autoref clipref cref=lightgray lautoref=33
      description="Sports Cars"; /* Set subheading text */ 
      title1 "Sports Cars";
      where type="Sports";

/* Close the PDF destination and open the HTML destination */
ods pdf close;
ods html;

/* Reset options, titles, and footnotes */
goptions reset=all; 
The bookmarks in the PDF document are shown in the following figure:
Adobe Acrobat bookmarks pane
The document metadata is displayed on the Description tab of the Document Properties dialog box. To open the Document Properties dialog box, type CTRL-D anywhere in the PDF viewer window or right-click in the PDF viewer window, and then select Document Properties from the pop-up menu. The following figure shows the document metadata that is displayed for this example.
Description tab of the Acrobat Document Properties dialog box

Example: Writing Multiple Graphs to a One-Page, PDF/A-1b-Compliant File

Here is an example that creates the PDF/A-1b-compliant file FourVbars.pdf, which contains four vertical bar charts on one page. The graphs show the average sales of sofas, chairs, desks, and beds in Canada by province. The PRINTER=PDFA ODS option is used to create a PDF file that is compliant with PDF/A-1b standards. To create a standard Version 1.4 PDF file, remove the PRINTER=PDFA option from the ODS statement. The STARTPAGE=NEVER ODS option is used to prevent a page break from being inserted between each graph. The HORIGIN= and VORIGIN= graphics options are used to position each graph on the page. Here is the SAS code for this example.
/* Close the HTML destination */
ods html close;

/* Set page options */
options orientation=portrait rightmargin=0.1in leftmargin=0.1in;
goptions reset=all ftext="Helvetica/bold";

/* Create the axes */
axis1 label=(angle=90 "Average Sales"); /* Left-side graph Y axis */
axis2 label=none;         /* Right-side graph Y axis */
axis3 label=("Province"); /* Midpoint axis */

/* Open PDF */
ods pdf style=printer
    printer=pdfa         /* Create an archivable PDF */
    file="FourVbars.pdf" /* Output filename */
    startpage=never;     /* Do not insert a pagebreak after each graph */

/* Size each graph 4in x 4in */
goptions hsize=4in vsize=4in;

/* Generate the graphs */
proc gchart data=sashelp.prdsal3;
   /* Format the sales values */
   format Actual comma5.0;

   /* Create the Sofas graph in the top-left quadrant */
   title1 "Average Sales of Sofas";
   goptions horigin=0in vorigin=5in;
   vbar State / sumvar=Actual type=mean 
      autoref clipref raxis=axis1 maxis=axis3;
      where product="SOFA" and country="Canada"; 

   /* Create the Chairs graph in the top-right quadrant */
   title1 "Average Sales of Chairs";
   goptions horigin=4.2in vorigin=5in;
   vbar State / sumvar=Actual type=mean
      autoref clipref raxis=axis2 maxis=axis3;
      where product="CHAIR" and country="Canada"; 

   /* Create the Desks graph in the bottom-left quadrant */
   title1 "Average Sales of Desks";
   goptions horigin=0in vorigin=0in;
   vbar State / sumvar=Actual type=mean
      autoref clipref raxis=axis1 maxis=axis3;
      where product="DESK" and country="Canada"; 

   /* Create the Beds graph in the bottom-right quadrant */
   title1 "Average Sales of Beds";
   goptions horigin=4.2in vorigin=0in;
   vbar State / sumvar=Actual type=mean
      autoref clipref raxis=axis2 maxis=axis3;
      where product="BED" and country="Canada"; 

/* Close PDF and reopen ODS HTML */
ods pdf close;
ods html;

/* Reset graphics options and titles */
goptions reset=all; 

Example: Writing a Drill-Down Graph to a PDF File

Here is an example that exports a drill-down graph to a PDF file. This example writes a top-level drill-down graph to a PDF file, and then writes the drill-down target graphs to HTML files. The top-level drill-down graph in the PDF file shows the total sales in three regions in which a company operates. A reference line indicates a sales target of $62,000 for each region. Each region bar in the graph is linked to a graph that breaks down the sales data for that region. When the mouse pointer is positioned on a bar, a data tip shows the URL to the drill-down graph. An example is shown in the following figure.
Data tip showing drill-down link for the Central region bar
The drill-down graphs consist of one HTML file for each region: Central.htm, South.htm, and West.htm. Each HTML file contains a graph that breaks down the total sales data by state for that region. When you left-click a bar in the top-level graph, the HTML file to which that bar is linked appears in your Web browser. In this example, if you click the Central bar, the Central.htm file is opened, which displays the following graph in your Web browser.
Central Region Drill-Down Graph
Here is the SAS code for this example.
/* Define the PDF output filename. */
filename outp "salesrpt_single_page.pdf";

/* Define the ODS output path. */
filename odsout ".";

/* Define the base URL for the links. */
%let baseurl=.;

 /* Create the data set REGSALES. */
data regsales;
   length Region State $ 8 Location $ 15;
   format Sales dollar8.;
   input State Region Location Sales;
IL Central EVANSTON   18038
IL Central CHICAGO    14322
IL Central AURORA     10768
OH Central COLUMBUS   13611
OH Central DAYTON     11084
OH Central CINCINNATI 19534
FL South   MIAMI      14541
FL South   TAMPA      16733
NC South   RALEIGH    19022
NC South   WILMINGTON 12876
NC South   CHARLOTTE  13498
CA West    SANTA-CRUZ 13636
CA West    LONG-BEACH 15687
WA West    SEATTLE    18988
WA West    TACOMA     14523

/* Add the link information to the data. */
data regsales;
   set regsales;
   length RPTR $ 80;
   if (Region="Central") then RPTR="&baseurl./Central.htm";
   else if (Region="South") then RPTR="&baseurl./South.htm";
   else if (Region="West") then RPTR="&baseurl./West.htm";
   else RPTR=.;

/* Close the HTML destination and set the graphics options. */
ods html close;
goptions reset=all device=png border xpixels=520 ypixels=450;

/* Clear titles and footnotes */

/* Create a macro to use for generating the region charts. */
%macro do_region(region);
   /* Open ODS HTML destination. Use the region name as the filename */
   ods html file="&region..htm" path=odsout style=listing;

   /* Set the axis label and title */
   axis1 label=("Total Sales");
   title1 "Total Sales in &region Region";

   /* Create the chart */
   proc gchart data=regsales;
      vbar3d state / sumvar=sales outside=sum name="region"
         raxis=axis1 patternid=midpoint
         description="Total sales for &region region"
         shape=cylinder width=15;
      where region="&region";
   run; quit;

   /* Close the ODS HTML destination */
   ods html close;
%mend do_region;

/* Call the %DO_REGION macro for Central, South, and West. */
/* Open the PDF destination and set the style. */
ods pdf style=statistical;

/* Set the graphics options. You must use the PDF or PDFA device. */
goptions reset=all gsfname=outp device=pdf border
   vorigin=2.5in horigin=0.6in vsize=550pt hsize=520pt;

/* Generate the Company Sales report PDF document. */
title1 "Company Sales Report";
title2 "Sales by Region";
footnote1 "(Click a bar for details.)";
axis1 label=("Total Sales") reflabel=(j=r "Target  ");
proc gchart data=regsales;
      vbar3d region /
      cref=red lref=3 ref=62000 /* Draw a reference line at the */
                                /* sales target. */
      sumvar=sales outside=sum raxis=axis1
      shape=cylinder width=15 patternid=midpoint
      description="Company sales report"
      url=RPTR;  /* Specify RPT as the URL variable in the data. */
run; quit;

/* Close the PDF destination and open HTML */
ods pdf close;
ods html;

/* Reset graphics options, titles, and footnotes */
goptions reset=all; 
In the SAS program, notice that column RPTR is added to the data. For each observation, RTPR is set to the URL of the appropriate report based on the value of column REGION. Because column RPTR contains a URL string only, it is specified in the URL= option on the drill-down chart GCHART statement. The HTML= option cannot be used in this case.

Example: Writing Multiple Drill-Down Graphs to a PDF File Using BY-Group Processing

Here is an example that creates a PDF file that contains three drill-down graphs of sales data. This example uses the ODS LISTING destination with the PDF device and BY-group processing to write the top-level graphs to a PDF file. It uses the ODS HTML destination with BY-group processing to generate the drill-down graphs. In the PDF file, each graph shows the total sales data by state in each of three regions: Central, South, and West. In each of the graphs, each bar is linked to a drill-down graph that breaks down the total sales data for that state by store location. A data tip displays the URL to the drill-down graph as shown in the following figure.
Drill-down Report for the Central Region. A data tip shows the URL to the drill-down report for the IL bar.
The drill-down graphs consist of one graph for each of the following states: IL, OH, FL, NC, CA, and WA. Each drill-down graph shows the total sales data for a state by store location. All six of the drill-down graphs are written to the HTML file state.htm. In the state.htm file, a named anchor is placed at the top of each graph. The ANCHOR= option is used in the ODS HTML statement to set the base anchor name to ST. When BY-group processing occurs, the anchor names are assigned to each STATE value as they occur in the data. The first name assigned is the base name, which is ST in this example. For the subsequent names, a number is appended to the base name to create a unique name for each STATE value. Because the data is sorted by STATE, the anchor names are assigned as shown in the following table.
Anchor Name
The named anchors are included in the URLs that link the bars in the top-level graph to the drill-down graph in the state.htm file. The data tip shown in the previous figure provides an example. Clicking the IL bar in this example opens the state.htm file and positions the cursor at the IL graph anchor (ST2) as shown in the following figure.
Drill-Down Report for the IL Bar
Here is the SAS code for this example.
/* Define the PDF output filename. */
filename outp "salesrpt_multi_by.pdf";

/* Define the ODS output path. */
filename odsout ".";

/* Define the base URL for the links. */
%let baseurl=./state.htm;

 /* Create the data set REGSALES. */
data sales;
   length Region State $ 8 Location $ 15;
   format Sales dollar8.;
   input State Region Location Sales;
CA West    SANTA-CRUZ 13636
CA West    LONG-BEACH 15687
FL South   MIAMI      14541
FL South   TAMPA      16733
IL Central EVANSTON   18038
IL Central CHICAGO    14322
IL Central AURORA     10768
NC South   RALEIGH    19022
NC South   WILMINGTON 12876
NC South   CHARLOTTE  13498
OH Central COLUMBUS   13611
OH Central DAYTON     11084
OH Central CINCINNATI 19534
WA West    SEATTLE    18988
WA West    TACOMA     14523

/* Add the link information to the data */
data sales;
   set sales;
   length RPTS $ 80;
   if (State="CA") then RPTS="&baseurl.#ST";
   else if (State="FL") then RPTS="&baseurl.#ST1";
   else if (State="IL") then RPTS="&baseurl.#ST2";
   else if (State="NC") then RPTS="&baseurl.#ST3";
   else if (State="OH") then RPTS="&baseurl.#ST4";
   else if (State="WA") then RPTS="&baseurl.#ST5";
   else RPTS=.;

/* Close the HTML destination and set the graphics options. */
ods html close;
goptions reset=all device=png border hsize=5in vsize=4in;

/* Generate the state sales charts. Use ST as the base HTML anchor
   and state.htm as the output filename. The drill-down chart links
   to this file. */
ods html file="state.htm" path=odsout anchor="ST" style=listing;
title1 "Total Sales by Store In #byval(State)";
proc gchart data=sales;
   pie3d Location / sumvar=Sales
      slice=outside value=inside
      description="Total Sales by Store In #byval(State)";
   by State;
run; quit;
ods html close; /* Close ODS HTML. */

/* Sort the data by region. */
proc sort data=sales out=regsort;
   by Region;
run; quit;

/* Set the graphics options. You must use the PDF or PDFA device. */
goptions reset=all gsfname=outp device=pdf border
   vorigin=2.5in horigin=0.5in hsize=450pt vsize=380pt;

/* Open the PDF destination and specify the STATISTICAL style */
ods pdf style=statistical;

/* Generate the drill-down chart. */ 
axis1 label=("Total Sales");
title1 "Total Sales By State In the #byval(Region) Region";
footnote "(Click a bar for details.)";
proc gchart data=regsort;
   vbar3d state / sumvar=sales outside=sum name="region"
      raxis=axis1 patternid=midpoint
      shape=cylinder width=15
      url=RPTS; /* Specify RTPS as the URL variable. */
   by Region;
run; quit;

/* Close the PDF destination and open HTML */
ods pdf close;
ods html;

/* Reset graphics options, titles, and footnotes */
goptions reset=all; 

Example: Writing Multiple Graphs to a PDF File Using the GREPLAY Procedure

Here is an example that creates a sales report in both the HTML and PDF format. It first generates the sales report in the HTML format. It then uses the GREPLAY procedure to replay the graphs to a PDF file. The second graph in the report is a drill-down graph in both the HTML report and the PDF report.
/* Define the HTML and PDF report output filename. */
%let outpname=salesrpt;

/* Define the ODS output path. */
filename odsout ".";

/* Define the base URL for the links. */
%let baseurl=./state.htm;

 /* Create the data set REGSALES. */
data sales;
   length Region State $ 20 Location $ 20;
   format Sales dollar8.;
   input State Region Location Sales;
CA West    SANTA-CRUZ 13636
CA West    LONG-BEACH 15687
FL South   MIAMI      14541
FL South   TAMPA      16733
IL Central EVANSTON   18038
IL Central CHICAGO    14322
IL Central AURORA     10768
NC South   RALEIGH    19022
NC South   WILMINGTON 12876
NC South   CHARLOTTE  13498
OH Central COLUMBUS   13611
OH Central DAYTON     11084
OH Central CINCINNATI 19534
WA West    SEATTLE    18988
WA West    TACOMA     14523

/* Add the drill-down link information to the data. */
data sales;
   set sales;
   length RPTS $ 80;
   if (State="CA") then RPTS="&baseurl.#ST";
   else if (State="FL") then RPTS="&baseurl.#ST1";
   else if (State="IL") then RPTS="&baseurl.#ST2";
   else if (State="NC") then RPTS="&baseurl.#ST3";
   else if (State="OH") then RPTS="&baseurl.#ST4";
   else if (State="WA") then RPTS="&baseurl.#ST5";
   else RPTS=.;

/* Close the HTML destination and set the graphics options. */
ods html close;
goptions reset=all device=png border xpixels=450 ypixels=450;

/* Generate the state sales charts. Use ST as the base HTML anchor, and
   state.htm as the output filename. The drill-down graph will link to
   this file. */
ods html file="state.htm" anchor="ST" style=listing;
title1 "Total Sales by Store Location";
proc gchart data=sales;
   pie3d Location / sumvar=Sales noheader;
   by State;
run; quit;
ods html close; /* Close ODS HTML. */

/* Delete the old chart GRSEGs. */
proc greplay igout=work.gseg nofs;
   delete _all_;
run; quit;

/* Set the graph size. */
goptions reset=all xpixels=550 ypixels=550;

/* Open the HTML destination to generate the HTML report. */
ods html file="&outpname..html" style=statistical; 

/* Generate the region, state, and local charts. Use Region, State,
   and Location as the GRSEG names. */
axis1 label=("Total Sales");
proc gchart data=sales;
   /* Generate the Regional sales chart. */
   title1 "Total Sales by Region";
   vbar3d region / sumvar=sales outside=sum name="Region"
      raxis=axis1 patternid=midpoint shape=cylinder width=15
      description="Total Sales by Region";
   /* Generate the drill-down State sales chart. */
   title1 "Total Sales by State";
   footnote "(Click a bar for details.)";
   hbar3d state / sumvar=sales sum sumlabel="Total Sales" name="State"
      patternid=midpoint raxis=axis1 shape=cylinder width=5
      description="Total Sales by State"
      url=RPTS; /* Specify the URL variable in the data. */
   /* Generate the Location sales chart. */
   title1 "Total Sales by Location";
   footnote; /* Clear the footnote */
   pie location / name="Location" sumvar=sales noheading
      description="Total Sales by Location";;
run; quit;

/* Close the HTML destination. */
ods html close;

/* Set the graphics options for write to a PDF file. */
goptions device=pdf noborder;

/* Suppress the creation date and time in the PDF output. */
option nodate;

/* Create a replay template that centers that graph on the page
   and draws a navy border around each graph. */
proc greplay tc=work.tempcat nofs;
tdef newtemp
     1/llx=10 lly=20
       ulx=10 uly=80
       urx=90 ury=80
       lrx=90 lry=20
     template newtemp;

/* Open the ODS PDF destination go generate the PDF report. */
ods pdf file="&outpname..pdf";

/* Replay the three sales charts to the PDF file. */
proc greplay tc=work.tempcat igout=work.gseg nofs
   treplay 1:Region des="Total Sales by Region";
   treplay 1:State des="Total Sales by State";
   treplay 1:Location des="Total Sales by Location";
run; quit;

/* Close ODS PDF and open ODS HTML. */
ods pdf close;
ods html;

/* Reset the graphics options. */
goptions reset=all;