If you want to preview
how a graph is going to appear on another device before you send it
to that device, use the TARGETDEVICE= graphics option. For example,
to preview output on your display as it would appear on a color PostScript
printer, include TARGETDEVICE= in a GOPTIONS statement and specify
the device for the printer:
goptions targetdevice=pscolor;
How output is displayed
on your screen depends on the following:
the orientation of the target device.
As a result, the graph might not cover the entire display area of
the preview device.
the values of either the LCOLS
and LROWS pair or the PROWS and PCOLS pair, depending on the orientation
of the target device.
the default color list of the target
the values of the HSIZE and VSIZE
device parameters for the target device. The HSIZE and VSIZE values
are scaled to fit the display device, but they retain the target device
aspect ratio.
the value of the CBACK device parameter
for the target device.
All other device parameter
values, including the destination of the output, come from the current
device entry. Therefore, the output displayed by TARGETDEVICE= might
not be an exact replication of the actual output, but it is as close
as possible.
See TARGETDEVICE for a complete
description of TARGETDEVICE=.