Examples: Creating Interactive ActiveX Output

About These Examples

The following additional samples are available in the Sample Library:
  • GWBAXBLK—Generating an Interactive Block Diagram
  • GWBAXCON—Generating an Interactive Contour Plot
  • GWBAXMAP—Generating an Interactive Map for the Web

Example: Generating an ActiveX Graph for a Microsoft Word Document

Here is an example that demonstrates how the ODS RTF statement can be combined with the ACTIVEX device to generate interactive graphs inside Microsoft Word files.
Here is the example program code.
goptions reset=all device=activex;
ods html close;
ods rtf path="C:\" file="vehicles.rtf" style=statistical;
title "Types of Vehicles Produced Worldwide (Details)";

proc gchart data=sashelp.cars;
pie type / detail=drivetrain
ods rtf close;
ods html; 
The following display shows the resulting file opened in Microsoft Word.
A detailed pie chart in the opened Microsoft Word document vehicles.rtf
The SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control provides a pop-up menu that enables you to change many aspects of the graph, including the chart type. For example, to change the pie chart to a bar chart, right-click the graph, and then select ChartTypethen selectVerticalBar in the pop-up menu. The chart changes from a pie chart to a vertical bar chart.
Note: The SAS/GRAPH ActiveX pop-up menu does not display if the SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control is in the design mode in Microsoft Word. If the ActiveX object is in the design mode, in Microsoft Word, click the Exit Design Mode icon in the Control Toolbox.
A vertical bar chart in the opened Microsoft Word document vehicles.rtf

Example: Generating an Interactive Contour Plot in ActiveX

Here is an example that displays a contour plot of water depth in a lake. The SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control lets you manipulate many of the aspects of the plot using the pop-up menu that is displayed when you right-click.
Here is the example program code.
goptions reset=all border device=activex;
ods html style=default;
proc gcontour data=sashelp.lake;
    plot width * length = depth;
The following display shows the result.
A contour chart showing lake depths

Example: Providing JavaScript Drill-Down with ActiveX

Here is an example that shows you how to implement the Script drill-down mode using the MAP procedure and the ACTIVEX device. By default, SAS/GRAPH provides data tips for graphs that are generated with the ACTIVEX device. These data tips are displayed when the cursor is over a portion of the map. To implement JavaScript drill-down functionality, PUT statements are used to insert JavaScript code into the HTML file. The JavaScript, in the example, opens an alert window that displays the state abbreviation.
This example is available in the Sample Library under the name GWBDRACT.
A drill-down map of the United States, and the result of clicking the state of Florida
Here is the example program code.
 /* Change the following line to specify your output file. */
filename odsout "states.htm" ;

/* If your site has already installed the map data sets and      */
/* defined the MAPS libref, then you can delete the LIBNAME      */
/* statement below and the sample code should work.              */
/* If not, contact your on-site SAS support personnel            */
/* to determine how to define the MAPS libref.                   */
*libname maps 'SAS-MAPS-library';
/* Create a data set that contains the US states. */
proc sql;
create table work.mydata as
select unique state from maps.us;

/* Add state abbreviations to the new data set. */
data work.mydata;
 length Statename $2;
 set work.mydata;

/* Specify the ACTIVEX device. */
goptions reset=all device=activex;

/* Close the current ODS HTML destination. */
ods html close;

/* Open ODS HTML and specify the HTML output file, the Script  */
/* drill-down mode, and the callback method. */

ods html file=odsout

/* Specify a map title and generate the map. */
title "State Abbreviations";
proc gmap map=maps.us data=work.mydata all;
   id state;
   choro statename / nolegend;

/* Close ODS HTML to close the output file, and then reopen ODS HTML. */
ods html close;
ods html;

/* Create the MapDrill script that is specified on */
/* the ODS HTML statement's DRILLFUNC parameter.   */
/* Write the script to the same file that contains */
/* the HTML output from the GMAP procedure.        */
data _null_ ;
file odsout mod; /* modify rather than replace file */
  put " " ;
  put "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>" ;
  put "function MapDrill( appletref )" ;
  put "{" ;
  put " " ;
  put "/* Open an alert box to show the abbreviated state name. */" ;
  put "for(i = 2; i < MapDrill.arguments.length; i += 2 )" ;
  put "  {" ;
  put "    if (MapDrill.arguments[i] == 'G_DEPV,f' ) " ;
  put "        alert(MapDrill.arguments[i+1]);" ;
  put "  }" ;
  put " " ;
  put "}" ;
  put "</SCRIPT>";
run ;

Example: Providing More JavaScript Drill-Down with ActiveX

Here is an example that is similar to the example shown in Example: Providing JavaScript Drill-Down with ActiveX but involves slightly more JavaScript coding. The program generates a map of the United States showing the states in which stores have been closed. If you click on a state in which no stores have been closed, then no action is performed. If you click on a state in which stores have been closed, a JavaScript alert window is displayed that shows the state abbreviation. In a real application, the JavaScript could be modified to display a list of the closed stores. This example is available in the Sample Library under the name GWBDRAC2.
For additional information about the script drill-down mode, see Controlling Drill-Down Behavior for ActiveX and Java Using Parameters.
A map of the United States with drill-down links for New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Alabama, and Florida, and the result of clicking the state of Alabama
Here is the example program code.
 /* Change the following line to specify your output file. */
%let odsout html-output-file2.htm;

goptions reset=all device=activex;

data stores;
length stateabbrev $ 2;
input state closedstore stateabbrev $ @@;
 1  1  AL  2  0  AK  3  0  --  4  0  AZ  5  0  AR  6  0  CA
 7  0  --  8  0  CO  9  0  CT 10  0  DE 11  0  DC 12  1  FL
13  0  GA 14  0  -- 15  0  HI 16  0  ID 17  0  IL 18  0  IN
19  0  IA 20  0  KS 21  0  KY 22  0  LA 23  0  ME 24  0  MD
25  0  MA 26  0  MI 27  0  MN 28  0  MS 29  0  MO 30  0  MT
31  0  NE 32  0  NV 33  0  NH 34  1  NJ 35  0  NM 36  1  NY
37  0  NC 38  0  ND 39  1  OH 39  1  OH 40  0  OK 41  0  OR
42  0  PA 43  0  -- 44  0  RI 45  1  SC 46  0  SD 47  1  TN
48  0  TX 49  0  UT 50  0  VT 51  1  VA 52  0  -- 53  0  WA
54  0  WV 55  0  WI 56  0  WY 57  0  -- 58  0  -- 59  0  --
60  0  AS 61  0  PQ 62  0  EQ 63  0  -- 64  0  FM 65  0  --
66  0  GU 67  0  JQ 68  0  MH 69  0  MP 70  0  PW 71  0  MQ
72  0  PR

/* create own custom maps dataset where id is 2 letter state
abbreviation(statecode) not state fips number(state) */
data cus_map;
   length stateabbrev $2;
   set maps.us;

/* close the current ODS HTML destination */
ods html close;

/* specify the ODS HTML output filename, parameters, and attributes */
ods html body="&odsout" nogtitle

/* generate the map */
proc gmap map=cus_map(where=(state ^in(2, 15))) data=stores;
     id stateabbrev;
     choro closedstore / discrete statistic=first missing
             cempty=cx2254C2 coutline=black
     legend1 label=("Closed Stores")
             value=(t=1 j=l 'No' t=2 j=l 'Yes') frame;
     pattern1 c=cx08804A v=solid;
     pattern2 c=cxEB0018 v=solid;

/* close ODS HTML to close the output file, then reopen ODS HTML */
ods html close;
ods html;

/* add the MapDrill JavaScript function to the HTML output file */
data _null_ ;

  file "&odsout" mod;

  put "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>" ;
  put " var isclosed = null; ";
  put " var newWin; ";
  put " var stateabbrev; ";
  put " stateabbrev = ''; ";

  put "function MapDrill( appletref )" ;
  put "{" ;
  put " " ;
  put "/* Open an alert box to show the abbreviated state name. */";
  put "  for(i = 2; i < MapDrill.arguments.length; i += 2 )";
  put "  { ";
  put "    if (MapDrill.arguments[i] == 'G_DEPV,f' )
              {isclosed=MapDrill.arguments[i+1]; }";
  put "    if (MapDrill.arguments[i] == 'G_LABELV,f')
              {stateabbrev =MapDrill.arguments[i+1] + ' '; }";
  put "  } ";
  put "  if (isclosed == 1.000000){ alert(stateabbrev) }";
  put "}";

  put "</SCRIPT>";