BMP (Microsoft Windows
Device Independent Bitmap)
Supports color-mapped
and true color images stored as uncompressed or run-length encoded.
BMP was developed by Microsoft Corporation for storing images under
Windows 3.0.
DIB (Microsoft Windows
Device Independent Bitmap)
See the description
of BMP.
GIF (Graphics Interchange
Supports only color-mapped
images. GIF is owned by CompuServe, Inc.
JPEG (Joint Photographic
Experts Group)
Supports compression
of images with the use of JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) software.
JFIF software is developed by the Independent Joint Photographic Experts
PBM (Portable Bitmap
Supports gray, color,
RGB, and bitmap files. The Portable Bitmap Utilities is a set of free
utility programs that were primarily developed by Jeff Poskanzer.
Kodak Photo CD format,
which supports multiple image resolutions.
Supports bitmap, color-mapped,
and true color images. PCX and PC Paintbrush are owned by Zsoft Corporation.
PNG (Portable Network
Supports truecolor,
gray-scale, and 8-bit images.
SVG (Scalable Vector
Is an XML language for
describing two-dimensional vector graphics. SVG supports true color
images and transparency.
Supports true color
images. Targa is owned by Truevision, Inc.
TIFF (Tagged Image File
Internally supports
a number of compression types and image types, including bitmap, color-mapped,
gray-scale, and true color. TIFF was developed by Aldus Corporation
and Microsoft Corporation.
Supports bitmap images
only. XBM is owned by MIT X Consortium.
Supports all X visual
types (bitmap, color-mapped, and true color.) XWD is owned by MIT
X Consortium.