SAS/GRAPH Output versus ODS Graphics

SAS produces graphics using two very distinct systems. SAS/GRAPH produces graphics using a device-based system. Base SAS produces graphics through the Output Delivery System (ODS) using a template-based system.
device-based graphics (SAS/GRAPH output)
output that is produced by SAS/GRAPH, which uses devices to generate output. Devices determine the type of output. Examples of device drivers are GIF, PNG, JPEG, ACTIVEX, SVG, and SASPRTC. Device drivers supplied by SAS are stored in the SASHELP.DEVICES catalog. Most procedures that produce device-based graphics also produce GRSEG catalog entries in addition to any image files, vector files, or displayed output that are produced. SAS/GRAPH procedures that produce device-based graphics and GRSEG catalog entries include the GCHART, GPLOT, GMAP, GBARLINE, GCONTOUR, and G3D procedures. The device-based procedures that do not produce GRSEG catalog entries are the GAREABAR, GKPI, and GTILE procedures. For device-based graphics, you can use the GOPTIONS statement to control the graphical environment. For example, you can specify which device is used to generate SAS/GRAPH output by specifying the DEVICE= option in the GOPTIONS statement. Information about device-based graphics is in this document, SAS/GRAPH: Reference.
template-based graphics (ODS Graphics)
output that is produced from a compiled ODS template of type STATGRAPH. Templates supplied by SAS are stored in SASHELP.TMPLMST. Device drivers and most SAS/GRAPH global statements (such as AXIS, LEGEND, PATTERN, and SYMBOL) have no effect on template-based graphics. The Base SAS procedures that produce template-based graphics are the SGPLOT, SGPANEL, SGSCATTER, SGDESIGN, and SGRENDER procedures. Many SAS/STAT, SAS/ETS, and SAS/QC procedures also produce template-based graphics automatically by default. Template-based graphics are always produced as image files and never as GRSEG catalog entries. For template-based graphics, you must use the ODS GRAPHICS statement to control the graphical environment. For example, you can specify the type of image file (GIF, PNG, JPEG, SVG, and so on) that is produced by specifying the OUTPUTFMT= option in the ODS GRAPHICS statement. Template-based graphics are referred to as ODS Graphics. Information about ODS Graphics is in SAS Getting Started with ODS Graphics, SAS ODS Graphics: Procedures Guide, SAS Graph Template Language: User's Guide, SAS Graph Template Language: Reference, SAS ODS Graphics Designer: User's Guide, and SAS ODS Graphics Editor: User's Guide.