You can override the
default device in a SAS session in the following ways:
Specify the name of a device entry
with the DEVICE= option in a GOPTIONS statement. For example:
goptions device=gif;
For details, see
GOPTIONS Statement.
Specify the name of a device entry
with the DEVICE= option in an OPTIONS statement.
For details, see DEVICE= System Optionin SAS System Options: Reference.
Specify the name of the device
entry with the DEVICE= option in an ODS destination statement. You
can specify this option on the ODS HTML, ODS LISTING, ODS MARKUP,
and ODS RTF statements. When you specify a device in an ODS destination
statement, do not specify the ACTIVEX, ACTXIMG, JAVA, or JAVAIMG devices.
For additional information about these statements, see
SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide.
OPTIONS on the SAS command line, or select
System to open the
SAS System Options window. Expand
Graphics, and select
Driver settings. Right-click on
Device, select
Modify value, and specify the name
of the graphics device that you want to use.
Enter the device name in the DEVICE
prompt window. The DEVICE prompt window appears automatically if you
submit a
SAS/GRAPH program that produces graphics output, no device
has been specified, and you are running outside of the SAS windowing
system environment.
If you specify a device
in more than one way, the last specification that
SAS/GRAPH encounters
is the one that it uses. The device specification stays in effect
until you specify another device, submit the graphics option RESET=GOPTIONS
or RESET=ALL, or end your SAS session.
If you use the same
device for most or all of your
SAS/GRAPH programs, you can put the GOPTIONS DEVICE= statement
in an AUTOEXEC file. See the SAS companion for your operating environment
for details about setting up an AUTOEXEC file.
You can also specify
a device for previewing or printing your output with the TARGETDEVICE=
graphics option.
For details, see Printing Your Graph.
If you submit a SAS
procedure without specifying a device and your display device does
not support the
GRAPH window or you are running
outside the SAS windowing system, then
SAS/GRAPH prompts you for a