GSTYLE System Option

Specifies whether ODS styles can be used to generate graphs that are stored as GRSEG catalog entries.
Valid in: Configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS statement, SAS System Options window
Categories: Graphics: Driver settings

Log and procedure output control: ODS Printing



Note: This option can be restricted by a site administrator. For more information, see Restricted Options in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description

specifies that ODS styles can be used in the generation of graphs that are stored as GRSEG catalog entries. If no style is specified, the default style for the given output destination is used. This is the default.
specifies to not use ODS styles in the generation of graphs that are stored as GRSEG catalog entries.
Tip:Use NOGSTYLE for compatibility of graphs generated before SAS 9.2.


The GSTYLE system option affects only graphic output that is generated using GRSEGs. The GSTYLE option does not affect the use of ODS styles in graphs that are generated by the following means:
  • Java device driver
  • ActiveX device driver
  • SAS/GRAPH statistical graphic procedures
  • SAS/GRAPH template language
  • ODS GRAPHICS ON statement